Mouf watches a PG&E crew fix a gas leak, finds a cool chair, learns about Aston Martin cars, and has a question about traffic signals in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda
#AlamedaFoodBank #AstonMartin #cactus #GasLeak #JamesBond #oddjob #PgE #tomatoes #TrafficSignals
#alamedafoodbank #AstonMartin #cactus #gasleak #jamesbond #oddjob #pge #tomatoes #trafficsignals
You didn't know you wanted an #Oddjob doll from #Goldfinger, but now you do. #Ilkley #Toy #Museum
#oddjob #goldfinger #ilkley #toy #museum
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #LoseYourselfWith
🎵 Ecstasy of Gold (feat. Johan Lindström)
#nowplaying #bbc6music #LoseYourselfWith #oddjob