After a lot of makeup from work,that's why,sometimes my iphone never recognize my face as a face.. anyway,i take my kids for a trip to flowers shop,is time for planting we have fun! #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis
#skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis
#france is angry;the pension/retirement reform make people crazy; Emanuel Macron administration trying to rip people off; they're sitting up there in they're ivory towers,eating they're exotic fruits with two scoops of ice cream;they're bathing in gold; people are give fire to favorite restaurant of Emanuel's;like history &politics lover,I can say,it's just,you know,politics vision are more"idealistic"than the reality of the people; #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck
#france #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck
I don't understand why people are upset at Zlatan Ibrahimović,every country is beautiful,also me I was in Qatar,but that don't mean I'm stay stuck on bad things,not the wordzzz make a man,the brain make to be a man #oddlittleduck #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #whoopsiedaisies #followthecar #soullesstaint #skeletonsintheircloset #sycophanticminions #packofdweebs #outofpitied
#oddlittleduck #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #whoopsiedaisies #followthecar #soullesstaint #skeletonsintheircloset #sycophanticminions #packofdweebs #outofpitied
Another meeting tomorrow with politicians,every morning I stretch my legs...that's where the power comes from..a new page of puppies history #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands
#whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands
I love politics, speaking about politics is just about relationships; responsibility is personal,that's why when,I or somebody else ask a question that's too political,they say "it's not your responsibility"politicians are good! #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slumming #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands #getaleash
#bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slumming #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash
So let get the blood pumping with my fav game tennis..bent to the left,bent to the right,get the big spring,stretch the big spring,stop to smoke,get a big towel,put it behind your neck &tuck in in your shirt,looks like boobs,but is fun #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
#sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
Happy time in the kitchen,kidzz cooking organic fresh fairtade support local farmers market #pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
#pipedown #outofthepitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullestain #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbyparker #flavwithnachos
Here in #danmark we talk about one years of"hard" sanctions on #russia from all this,just 1percent Neanderthal;that's the sound of the local winning,our economy is out there right now, pawing through our dirty ideas,laughing at us,waiting to see what we're gonna do;waiting to see who wins in the battle between terror &cool;in history we gotta play cool!&set up for a show!so we're cool.. #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewaterealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
#danmark #russia #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewaterealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
Here in #danmark we talk about one years of"hard" sanctions on #russia from all this,just 1percent Neanderthal;that's the sound of the local winning,our economy is out there right now, pawing through our dirty ideas,laughing at us,waiting to see what we're gonna do;waiting to see who wins in the battle between terror &cool;in history we gotta play cool!&set up for a show!so we're cool.. #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewaterealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
#danmark #russia #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewaterealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn
In the last 20 years #education are just booze,low lights &loud music,so students can feel more,see less!¬ have to listen to each other or themselves &now with a reform?!it's a wrap!!what's happening with me?!? #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #nemesis #holdhands
#education #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands
Awesome time with my gilz let's play,happy time #bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #WarbyPartner
#bakerstreet #wifebeater #playgrabasdwithfreaks #paythepiper #homeboy #fieldchalk #bottomofthetotempeople #sombodycallshonda #absentmindednuttypers #wimps #pipedown #outofpitied #packofdweebs #sycophanticminions #skeletonsintheircloset #soullesstaint #followthecar #whoopsiedaisies #bewarerealcitrantlegislators #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback #chillsesh #warbypartner
(2)can release,a war can begin,an asteroid could hit;but after all this,nobody want to be the schmuckel who apologize just before the world could ends!so nominate,election, campaign,is demonize the sistem;let's begin #oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback
#oddlittleduck #tossup #slummingit #gossipcolumn #Nemesis #holdhands #getaleash #quack #bringbackourback
I believe in freedom, world believe to,which has given me an freedom of my own,the people of united state are genius,they have to be!if they isn't,I've given 250years of my generation family to a nightmare!that is unavailable, therefore the people how fight for democracy &freedom are genius;and I will make everything to continue this vision!is like Stockholm syndrome! #oddlittleduck
The world playing football in Quatar,today danmark/France ,if your goal is to suck!(2-1)but I appreciate the passion of our players,but some of,like me,I'm worried that the over humans right are getting counter productive in the future;what the players do,less game,more bad attitude;what the sports need to do,is a little more game and a little less politics; #oddlittleduck