Want to see if Webnative File System, our encrypted file system for local-first apps, is right for you? Check out our newest workshop! https://fission.codes/blog/odd-avatars-workshop/ #localfirstapps #wnfs #oddsdk
Web apps continue to grow in complexity. Front-end developers are expected to be experts in security and infrastructure just to get their apps deployed. It's time we change that. https://fission.codes/blog/simplifying-web-app-development/#webappdevelopment #localfirst #webappdevelopment #oddsdk
#localfirst #webappdevelopment #oddsdk
Transmogrify yourself with our ODD Avatars workshop! https://fission.codes/blog/odd-avatars-workshop/ #oddsdk
We wrapped up some initial work on getting #passkey support into the @fission #ODDsdk https://fission.codes/blog/introducing-passkey-support/
This was led by @hugomrdias doing a deep dive not just on specs but also variable OS / browser support.
Today, this flow works reliably with hardware key, so not quite ready for general use.
Webnative is now ODD π!
Learn about our SDK's name change and our vision for our local-first edge app development platform. https://fission.codes/blog/introducing-odd-sdk/ #edgecomputing #oddsdk #appdeveloper
#edgecomputing #oddsdk #appdeveloper
Weβre slowly switching over from Webnative to #ODDsdk in naming everything, will properly launch / announce in May.
Just picked up some new stickers for #IPFSThing
First time prints of #UCAN IPLD, #CARMirror, and #ODDsdk
#IPFSThing #UCAN #CARMirror #oddsdk