Circle jerk, with the whole gang.
#HashtagGames #oddthingsonthewatergatetapes
#OddThingsOnTheWatergateTapes #HashTagGames Nixon: Say, Bebe, didja see this little skateboard thingy Julie got me? Watch this, I can run it down my nose like a ski-jump!
Rebozo: Very amusing, sir.
Nixon: Hey, let’s have a staring contest. Don’t blink!
[18 minutes of silence]
Rebozo: You blinked, sir.
Nixon: No, that was just — oh, yeah, I guess I did. Say, ya feel like some cottage cheese and ketchup?
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes hey, they’re watching the same porn movie as we do
The eerie sound of Kissinger sucking his thumb.
#HashtagGames #oddthingsonthewatergatetapes
14 minutes of ASMR thumb sucking sounds while Judy Carne, G. Gordon Liddy and Ruth Buzzy intone “Sock it to me…” over and over and over and over…
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
Trump demanding a Diet Coke FROM THE FUTURE
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
Modem connection negotiation clicks and buzzes
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
"[Nixon? Far out, Doc!] Sir, you HAVE to reject this Kaiser-Permanente thing... if you don't, the kids won't have healthcare, and without healthcare they won't have babies, and without babies all the inbreeders will take over... [Doc interjects] and they'll skew the timeline into an alternate 2015 in which Trump is evil, powerful, and corrupt, and THIS happens to me! [Marty reads: DOC BROWN BANKRUPT, CITES PREMIUMS]. This is heavy, Doc..."
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #hashtaggames
Nixon prank-called Brezhnev on the Red Phone at 3am every night for a week.
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
Bobby Flay shows up for a surprise Texas Chili “Throwdown!
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #HashtagGames
Nixon meets D.Trump and teaches him the art of the deal.
#OddThingsOnTheWatergateTapes #HashtagGames
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #hashtaggames
"Guess what! There's this draft dodger who will be 10x worse than I am in 50 yrs!"
-Richard Nixon
#HashtagGames #oddthingsonthewatergatetapes
G. Gordon Liddy accidentally plucking out the thong song on sitar
#HashtagGames #oddthingsonthewatergatetapes
"Do You Want To Know a Secret?"
#oddthingsonthewatergatetapes #hashtaggames
#OddThingsOnTheWatergateTapes that long-distance dedication to Diane Sawyer from Henry Kissinger of Bread's "Make It with You."
I mean, wow, Nixon sure loved The Velvet Underground’s Loaded—especially “Sweet Jane.” Who knew?