-#Odemon #589 #Escavalier
Hard-bodied Quilladin, peaceful and kind,
Won't start a fight; never inclinded.
May charge into and give each other a beating,
But pay that no mind, it's just the Quilladin greeting.
-#Odemon #651 #Quilladin
Red slowly combed and brushed his Vulpix's tail, working the conditioner and other products into her fur. No matter what he did, the hair split. He groaned.
"This isn't working! She still has split ends!"
Leaf pulled up the Pokedex. "It says that as Vulpix grow their tails split into more tails."
Red looked between Leaf and Vulpix several times. "No, that can't be it. Maybe some hair gel would work."
-#Odemon #37 #Vulpix
Little Feebas in the river, dully does it swim
Paying no attention, yes this fish is rather dim
A sudden movement, Feebas screams; Arrokuda is its fate!
The fish darts jaw-first to Feebas. "Hi! Isn't my jaw great!
"Look how sharp, how pointy it is! I bite things real, real good!
"I got sharp teeth, my jaw is strong, like Arrokuda should!"
Yes it seems this Rush fish only wanted to boast a bunch.
Its jaw shown off it floats away, then Cramorant had lunch.
-#Odemon #846 #Arrokuda
#Odemon is going on hold; it's not that I don't want to continue it, but so many other projects I have going on are more important uses of my limited time and the original idea of writing the piece the day of is really difficult when I only do it once a week.
I might change how I do it and work on some privately here and there when inspiration hits. I'm not sure.
honestly just more and more of my time is taken with my more successful romance/erotica projects...
Floating softly in the breeze
Singing joyous songs that please
Spinning, twirling flowers bloom
Pollen better than any perfume
-#Odemon #829 #Gossifleur