I’ve been a fan of Keith Olbermann for as long as I can remember. And I love his podcast version of Countdown. I just wish he's stop singing Beethoven's Ode To Joy.
#KeithOlbermann #Olbermann #Beethoven #OdeToJoy #Countdown #Music #Limerick #Limericks #Rhyme #Humor #Humour #Poetry #Poem #Singing #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #singing #poem #poetry #humour #humor #rhyme #limericks #limerick #music #countdown #odetojoy #beethoven #olbermann #keitholbermann
@mysturji @mentallyalex would it be this one?
In honor of a favorite UN-counted word today, we present to you, a work of MUPPET genius. https://youtu.be/VnT7pT6zCcA
#NYTSpellingbee #nytsb #spellingbee #nytgames #nytwordplay #hivemind #muppets #beaker #OdeToJoy
#nytspellingbee #nytsb #spellingbee #nytgames #nytwordplay #hivemind #muppets #beaker #odetojoy
In honor of a favorite UN-counted word today, we present to you, a work of MUPPET genius. https://youtu.be/VnT7pT6zCcA
#NYTSpellingbee #nytsb #spellingbee #nytgames #nytwordplay #hivemind #muppets #beaker #OdeToJoy
#nytspellingbee #nytsb #spellingbee #nytgames #nytwordplay #hivemind #muppets #beaker #odetojoy
I answer:
Long Live Europe and Slava Ukraini!
#OdeToJoy #EuropeanAnthem #EuroMaidan
#Euromaidan #europeananthem #odetojoy
Ode to Joy. One of the first piano pieces I learned, albeit a simplified, right-hand-only version. #Music #OdeToJoy #Beethoven https://youtu.be/uT3SBzmDxGk
Today's poem:
Ode to Joy, by Schiller
#poetry #Schiller #OdeToJoy #unity #freedom #peace #Beethoven #ChoralSymphony
#poetry #Schiller #odetojoy #unity #freedom #peace #beethoven #choralsymphony
Japanese Reggae version of #OdetoJoy I didn't know I needed in my life #TokyoGodfathers
“If this is your idea of Christmas I wanna be here for New Year”. Who says #DieHard isn’t a Christmas movie? #LetItSnow #OdeToJoy
Enjoying my favourite part of Christmas- watching #DieHard #OdeToJoy #nakatomi_plaza
#diehard #odetojoy #nakatomi_plaza
As it is the 83rd birthday of Wendy Carlos today, enjoy one of the greatest pieces of electronic movie music ever. Maybe.
#WendyCarlos #AClockworkOrange #odetojoy
Immer wenn ich denke, mein Tag läuft nicht besonders gut, dann gucke ich dieses Video.
Es könnte alles viel schlimmer sein 😉✌🏻
#themuppets #MuppetMusicVideo #odetojoy