Industrial Robot Gets Open-Source Upgrade #RobotsHacks #controller #industrial #opensource #LinuxCNC #ODrive #Fanuc #gcode #robot #fpga
#RobotsHacks #controller #industrial #opensource #linuxcnc #odrive #fanuc #gcode #robot #fpga
Carbon Fiber and Kevlar Make This Linear Actuator Fast and Strong #linearactuator #carbonfiber #cabledrive #MiscHacks #kevlar #ODrive
#linearactuator #carbonfiber #cabledrive #MiscHacks #kevlar #odrive
Carbon Fiber and Kevlar Make This Linear Actuator Fast and Strong - When it comes to the “build versus buy” question, “buy” almost always wins. The am... - #linearactuator #carbonfiber #cabledrive #mischacks #kevlar #odrive
#odrive #kevlar #mischacks #cabledrive #carbonfiber #linearactuator
Is anybody here using #odrive for desktop file sync? It has been useful in the past for multiple client Google Drives (for example) but all channels seem a bit stale and it still needs Rosetta.
#odrive #filesync #dropbox #googledrive
#til about WebUSB descriptors.
I plugged in a USB device (an #ODrive motor controller), and it launched a dev console in my browser and connected to the device. Revelatory!
Maybe this already nbd in the mass market hardware hacking world (do Arduinos do this?) but new to me and really like how it opens the door on a better UX for custom hardware.