🏆️ Exciting News!!
@oeglobal is excited to announce the shortlist for the Open Education Awards for Excellence #OEAwards23
The shortlist of 48 was whittled down from 172 nominations representing people and projects from 38 countries. (Thank you, review committee!)
Celebrate these exceptional #openeducation innovators and innovations!
Read the shortlisted finalists ➡️ https://oeg.pub/OEA23Shortlist
#oeawards23 #openeducation #awards #excellence #shortlist #oeglobal #educationawards
The #OEAwards23 finalists are out, and I am honored to be listed twice among them, with a particular fondness for my and @smithshannonm's PubPub project from last year, "Is this an OER?" listed in the Wildcard category!
Exciting to see a first #OEAwards23 nomination in just 2 days after opening. Everything you need to know is at https://awards.oeglobal.org
Ask questions share stories too with us inside OEG Connect
Look soon for more stories of previous award winners to hopefully inspire you to enter a nomination