BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
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"Narratives of supply chains and raw materials are a poor fit for early modern Europeans’ “thrifty” habit of reusing and reworking goods into new forms. This essay stresses the importance of such habits for early modern work using the example of paper, as a medium, instrument, and epistemic resource in various domestic and scientific spheres. Thrifty perspectives challenge not only linear supply narratives but also enduring accounts of the identities of materials themselves."
Diverse Shapes: Used Goods as Material Resources in Early Modern Sciences, Simon Werrett

Thrifty Science: Making the Most of in the of Experiment, Simon Werrett

#materials #history #oeconomy #supplychains #recycle #repurposed #repaired #reuse #thrift #rawmaterials #nature #extractivenarratives #extractivism #deforestation #paper #sustainability #metabolismwithnature

Last updated 1 year ago