@GPHemsley @grvsmth Here is their contact form: https://public.oed.com/contribute-to-the-oed/submission-form/?cc=gb&lang=en&
They also used to use the hashtag #OEDAntedatings on the other site, but I don't know if they have a presence on Mastodon.
Daily #oedantedatings no. 949:
4-year antedating of wrapping-gown ‘night-gown’ (in #OED from 1709)
on Satterday Sept. 8 last Mrs. Bargrave being in her little house alone She heard a little kind of a Rustle (It had just struck 12 at noon) & looking towards ye Door in came Mrs. V. w[i]th a Wrapping Gown & held it together w[i]th her hand to across, an handsome suit of Night Cloaths & hood & Silk handk. tyed about her neck. (1705)
‘The apparition of Mrs Veal’, Archaeologia Cantiana 73, p. 155
Daily #oedantedatings no. 948:
48-year antedating of orris work ‘embroidery of gold or silver lace’ (in #OED from c.1710)
In the best Chamber: Item ffive peeces of Tapestry, hanginges, a foote Carpet of Turky woorke, nyne Chaires of Orresse worke, one high bedsted ... (1662)
Robert H. Goodsall, ‘The Astleys of #Maidstone [Part 2]’, Archaeologia Cantiana 73 (1960), pp. 125–41, at p. 136
#oedantedatings #OED #Maidstone
Daily #oedantedatings no. 947:
130-year antedating of shire-house ‘county hall, building where county assizes are held’ (in #OED from 1759)
One parcell of Woodland adjoyninge unto Pickenden Hoath neare the Shire house containing 2 acres three roods 2 daie work and 3 perches. In the parishes of Boxley and Maidstone in the occupation of John Warren. (1629)
Robert H. Goodsall, ‘The Astleys of #Maidstone [Part 1]’, Archaeologia Cantiana 72 (1959), pp. 1–17, at p. 16
#oedantedatings #OED #Maidstone
Daily #oedantedatings no. 946:
256-year antedating of soaper ‘soap-boiler, soapmaker’ (in #OED from c.1225)
æt Sapere tún (969 [11th-century copy])
sapertune (1045 [18th-century copy])
[Saberton in Beckford]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Gloucestershire 2:43–4 (Sawyer 1324 and 1397)
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #gloucestershire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 945:
9-year antedating of eke (n.1 sense 2a) ‘tag to a bellrope’ (in #OED from 1549)
Item payde to Harry Berrege for iii payere of ekes to the belles – xiid. (c.1540) [Baldock]
Anthony Palmer, Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts, #Hertfordshire Record Publications vol. 1 (Hertfordshire Record Society, 1985), p. 56
I'm posting this without a picture, cos I have no idea where such a tag went, or what it looked like, or what its purpose was!
#oedantedatings #OED #hertfordshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 944:
18-year antedating of jail money ‘levy payable to the high constable of a hundred for the maintenance of a jail’ (in #OED from 1600)
Item to Nevell for gaole money the 29 of June [1580] – iis. iid. (1582)
Item payde for the gayle monye – iis. iid. (1583)
Item for the jayle monye layde oute – vis. vid. (1584) [Ashwell]
Anthony Palmer, Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts, #Hertfordshire Record Publications vol. 1 (Hertfordshire Record Society, 1985), pp. 19, 21, 22
#oedantedatings #OED #hertfordshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 943:
27-year antedating of cohabitor (in #OED from 1628)
Item for presentinge of Edward Weaver and his cohabiter –iiijd. (1601)
Anthony Palmer, Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts, #Hertfordshire Record Publications vol. 1 (Hertfordshire Record Society, 1985), p. 46
#oedantedatings #OED #hertfordshire
Revisiting daily #oedantedatings no. 876, now taking font-cloth back 13 years:
Item payde for surplyces and for the funte clothe and for makyng of the surplyces – xiiis. iiiid. (c.1540) [Baldock]
Anthony Palmer, Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts, #Hertfordshire Record Publications vol. 1 (Hertfordshire Record Society, 1985), p. 55
#oedantedatings #hertfordshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 942:
248-year antedating of homecroft ‘infield’ (in #OED from a.1500)
Homcrofte (1252) [Stanwell]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Middlesex, p. 208
Homcroft (13th)
EPNS Place-Names of #Wiltshire, p. 428
Homcroft (1304) [Home Croft in Alkington]
EPNS Place-Names of #Gloucestershire 2, p. 210
Homcrofte (1347) [Meesden]
EPNS Place-Names of #Hertfordshire, p. 300
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #Middlesex #Wiltshire #gloucestershire #hertfordshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 941:
6-year antedating of keeper (n. sense 6a) ‘clasp, catch’ (in #OED from 1578)
Item paid for nayles for churche gate latches and kepers – vid. (1572) [Ashwell]
Anthony Palmer, Tudor Churchwardens’ Accounts, #Hertfordshire Record Publications vol. 1 (Hertfordshire Record Society, 1985), p. 14
#oedantedatings #OED #hertfordshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 940:
139-year antedating of grass-croft (in #OED from 1349)
Grascrofte (c.1210) [Steeple Barton]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Oxfordshire, p. 250
Grascroft (1224)
EPNS Place-Names of #Wiltshire, p. 427
Grascroft (13th c.)
EPNS Place-Names of #Worcestershire, p. 389
le Grescroftsykes (1310) [Barlow]
EPNS Place-Names of #Derbyshire, p. 205
Grascroft (1323) [Bourton near Banbury]
EPNS Place-Names of Oxfordshire, p. 415
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #oxfordshire #Wiltshire #worcestershire #derbyshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 939:
343-year antedating of sextry barn ‘tithe-barn belonging to a sacristan’ (in #OED from 1843)
Sextry barn (15th c.) [Ely]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Cambridgeshire, p. 313
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #cambridgeshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 939:
343-year antedating of sextry barn ‘tithe-barn belonging to a sacristan’ (in #OED from 1843)
Sextry barn (15th c.) [Ely]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Cambridgeshire, p. 313
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #cambridgeshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 938:
13-year antedating of bleach-croft ‘enclosure used for bleaching cloth’ (in #OED from 1852)
Bleach Croft (1839) [Ardsley]
#EPNS Place-Names of the West Riding of #Yorkshire 1, p. 291
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #Yorkshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 938:
13-year antedating of bleach-croft ‘enclosure used for bleaching cloth’ (in #OED from 1852)
Bleach Croft (1839) [Ardsley]
#EPNS Place-Names of the West Riding of #Yorkshire 1, p. 291
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #Yorkshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 937:
245-year antedating of nameless (sense 4b) ‘that has not yet been given a name’ (in OED from c.1625)
Namelesfurlong (1380)
#EPNS Place-Names of #Middlesex, p. 199
#oedantedatings #EPNS #Middlesex
Daily #oedantedatings no. 936:
54-year antedating of gravel-pit (in #OED from c.1440)
Gravelpette (1386)
#EPNS Place-Names of #Hertfordshire, p. 258
le Grauelpettys (1430) [Harlow, #Essex]
Addendum in EPNS Place-Names of the East Riding of Yorkshire, p. lvi
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #hertfordshire #Essex
Daily #oedantedatings no. 935:
187-year antedating of hay-barn (in #OED from 1577)
Hayberne (1390) [Haybarn Farm in Aston]
#EPNS Place-Names of #Warwickshire, p. 34
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #warwickshire
Daily #oedantedatings no. 934:
571-year antedating of broom-croft (in #OED from 1871)
le Bromcroft (13th), Bromcroft (1327) [Bradfield]
#EPNS Place-Names of the West Riding of #Yorkshire 1, pp. 232 & 242
Bromecroft (1322) [Yate]
EPNS Place-Names of #Gloucestershire 3, p. 46
Bromcroft (1307–27) [Codicote]
EPNS Place-Names of Hertfordshire, p. 282
Bromcroft (1362) [Fixby]
EPNS Place-Names of West Riding of Yorkshire 3, p. 37
Bromcroft (1375) [Aston]
EPNS Place-Names of #Warwickshire, p. 341
#oedantedatings #OED #EPNS #Yorkshire #gloucestershire #warwickshire