From @mportela : #EchoesOfADreamer : #Oedipus’ Curse - Discover the tale of Oedipus, from a curse bestowed and the fate he couldn’t escape. Listen and enjoy💜
🎫 Tickets are going fast.
Make sure to RSVP if you like to come to our season ending lecture at #Oedipus #Brewing on Wednesday.
Victor Brangolo and @eWalthert will present their collaboration on the Oedipus #Variable #Font
#oedipus #brewing #variable #font
Get a free #CraftBeer by RSVP’ing via or e-mail.
Free admission
Next Wednesday at #Oedipus Brewing in #Amsterdam #Noord
Oedipus Alphabet Universe release party.
#craftbeer #oedipus #amsterdam #noord
The cursed necklace of Harmonia is said to have given grief and suffering to everyone who owned it: #Harmonia herself was turned into a snake alongside her husband #Kadmos, her daughter #Semele was burnt by #Zeus' lightning when he kept his promise to come to her as he did to #Hera, and #Jocasta, unlucky mother and wife of #Oedipus, is said to have worn it too.
#MythologyMonday #mythology #GreekMythology #GreekGods @mythology @antiquidons
#harmonia #kadmos #semele #zeus #hera #jocasta #oedipus #mythologymonday #mythology #greekmythology #greekgods
I adore the #literary raunch of #RobertDevereaux’s writing. I first encounter Santa Steps Out, a mind-blistering romp featuring obscene relations between #Santa, the #EasterBunny, the #ToothFairy, and more. His books are NOT for children. I just started reading #Oedipus Aroused today and I am already in love with it. I plan on reviewing this for a #LiteraryJournal. This is what my #Classics degree is for. #bookstodon #smut #book #erotica #mythology #GreekMythology
#literary #robertdevereaux #santa #easterbunny #toothfairy #oedipus #LiteraryJournal #classics #bookstodon #smut #book #erotica #mythology #greekmythology
Tonight on Beer in the Wrong Glass: Brewed by Oedipus, Belgium in collaboration with Skate Cafe, Amsterdam, Strip Wit, 4.5% - #BeerHawk #BeerInTheWrongGlass #beer #Oedipus #Belgium #SkateCafe
#beerhawk #beerinthewrongglass #beer #oedipus #belgium #skatecafe
Professor Emily Wilson’s Twitter feed (@EmilyRCWilson) provides her readers with insights into the art of translation. In recent posts, she has analyzed the challenges a translator faces, with examples from the #Odyssey and #Oedipus Tyrannos (forthcoming from Norton). Wilson also uses #twitter to compare short passages from different #English #translations of the Odyssey.
#Homer #xl8 #Epic #theodyssey #poetry #poesia #greekliterature #lit
#odyssey #oedipus #twitter #english #translations #Homer #xl8 #Epic #theodyssey #poetry #poesia #greekliterature #lit