"Spectateurs, vous allez entendre une version latine d'Oedipe Roi ......"

Igor Stravinsky conducts his own Oedipus rex at the ThĂ©Ăątre des Champs-ÉlysĂ©es in Paris in 1952, with Jean Cocteau (who directed the production) ranting away at a re-vamped version of his own narratrion, the great LĂ©opold Simoneau as Oedipus, and Eugenia Zareska as Jocasta.

Oedipus rex was first performed in Paris in 1927.



#otd #stravinsky #oedipusrex #cocteau #simoneau

Last updated 1 year ago

The philo-sopher of this most midnightly breed is not a man or a woman, no, they are pure dynamite!

Gnostics of the world unite.
We have nothing to lose but our “Treaty of Versailles!”

#philosophy #gnosticism #mysticism #serialkillers #lacan #oedipusrex #zdzislawbeksinski

Last updated 2 years ago

Gerald So · @sogerald
131 followers · 891 posts · Server masto.ai

I can call and . is central and depicted in their plots. I'm not shortchanging their merit calling them mysteries. Consider they are mysteries b/c w/o their mystery, they wouldn't be stories. Claudius lets Old Hamlet live. Oedipus picks another carriage to rob. Where's the beef?

#oedipusrex #hamlet #mysteries #mystery

Last updated 2 years ago

Recognition won by domination and exploitation is the game of the . And all oppressors like the lord in Hegel’s “lord-bondsman dialectic” who procure their recognition in such a manner are doomed to perpetual dissatisfaction and self-alienation.

Solution: Practice regularly the Oedipal-Skeptikal art of killing your father and fucking your mother, until it hurts so good!

#demiurge #hegel #oedipusrex

Last updated 2 years ago

Hudson Plaskoff · @hudsonplaskoff
394 followers · 665 posts · Server mastodon.world

If you have an extra ninety minutes, I highly recommend you watch this 1957 recording of the Canadian Stratford Festival’s production of Oedipus Rex. We watched it in our English class this past week and it was spectacular! This brilliant production was directed by Tyrone Guthrie and stars Douglas Campbell as the titular role, with William Shatner in the chorus.


#sophocles #oedipusrex #tragedy #ancientgreece #thebanplays #drama #theater #theatre

Last updated 2 years ago

DuĆĄka · @Musik
145 followers · 689 posts · Server mastodon.world