@donnamurdoch @weblearning hi Donna... I just found you also :) hashtags are another good way to find people here... e.g. #oer23, #femedtech, #HE4Good and many others. glad to be connected here!
big day. two presentations down at #OTESSA23, one #CSSE talk left to give. proud of my grad RA team & happy to be here with them.
here are the slides from my OTESSA invited talk, Digital Ed in an Age of Data: What Do We Do NOW?
it's built on my #OER23 talk from April but includes AI - & the hype cycle & gold rush it has generated - in its literacies lens. SPOILER: it has zero answers. but i think it raises a call for change & offers some paths i'm taking :)
big day. two presentations down at #OTESSA23, one #CSSE talk left to give. proud of my grad RA team & happy to be here with them.
here are the slides from my OTESSA invited talk, Digital Ed in an Age of Data: What Do We Do NOW?
it's built on my #OER23 talk from April but includes AI - & the hype cycle & gold rush it has generated - in its literacies lens. SPOILER: it has zero answers. but i think it raises a call for change & offers some paths i'm taking :)
I think fitting that it took a cold May Day to get around to authoring this overdue reflection on #OpenScot at #oer23
New On ScotEduBlogs: #oer23 #oer2023 Open Scotland Reflections on Pre-Conference Workshop and in Conference Plenary
Your blog post brought me back many fantastic memories of #OER23. Thank you!
finally! my second blog post following the wonderful #OER23. once again, thanks to all who made it happen.
#OpenEducation #FemEdTech #HE4Good #GuerillaEdTech
#oer23 #openeducation #femedtech #HE4Good #guerillaedtech
catching up on #oer23 blog posts and love this from @louisedrumm reflecting on the '‘Guerilla EdTech responses to climate change’ workshop:
"Just because we are living through cycles of extinction, it does not mean we cannot exert our agency and voices, even when the scale can feel overwhelming."
@marendeepwell will happily amplify this request, Maren! as a past chair of the Open Education (OER) conference (with @czernie) I can attest that it is an incredibly rewarding experience, with immense support from all on the ALT team. #oer23
New On ScotEduBlogs: #OER23 #OER2023 UHI Inverness
I need to rethink - or get a better tool for managing one post to multiple social media accounts- here is my first #OER23 post https://www.joewilsons.net/2023/04/oer23-oer2023-uhi-inverness.html for Mastodon peeps. Follow up with be on #openscot ( wow first post tagged #openscot )
In episode 37 of Reclaim Today Lauren and Jim share reflect on the highlights of #OER23, an open education conference that took place in Inverness, Scotland from April 4th through the 6th. https://today.reclaimhosting.com/podcast/037-oer23-reflections/
So, I joined Mastodon (finally!) after #OER23 and soon after I flew to the States to sort out some family things.
This meant that I spent my only Saturday here in the library working on assignment for the PgCert in Digital Education with @CRDE. I started the course on a whim, but it’s been so helpful.
There’s been a lot going on, more of which I can share soon, but it’s been really helpful to get writing again, and maybe get me started on the journey toward a PhD.
@Mweller @marendeepwell and I'm struck, once again, by hope – a hardy perennial at OER conferences over the years :) #oer23
Shared some memorable moments from #oer23 over on the blog: https://laurenhanks.com/mini-moments-at-oer23/
last week at #OER23 I shared on update on the upcoming book 'Higher Education for Good: Teaching & Learning Futures' (#HE4Good), co-edited with @czernie
here's a short update in blog post form: http://catherinecronin.net/conferences/oer23-part-one-higher-education-for-good/
@lornamcampbell @kate @sheilmcn just catching up with my #oer23 reading. this is inspiring, Sheila -- thank you!
I am so fortunate for opportunities to publish the conversational style OEG Voices podcast, and even more so for the newest episode with @catherinecronin
It's almost like we are walking on that Flaggy Shore together. Maybe.
And there is relevance to tag #OER23 (and earlier years) as catalysts for both her Just Knowledge projects and her soon to be published Higher Ed For Good book co-edited with @czernie
@magsamond @bryanmmathers @louisedrumm @francesbell wow, what an array of love & inspiration, Mags. I am still processing all that was #oer23 — thank you all!
New On ScotEduBlogs: Reflections and speculations from #oer23