But don't stop there! Check out all the other OpenEdGlobal #OEWeek23 shows. These are some AMAZING folks @cogdog got together! https://connect.oeglobal.org/t/live-from-oeglobal-its-oeweek-live/4654
Honored to join #BCcampus's Lauri Aesoph and #EdinburghUni's Vidminas Vizgirda on @cogdog's OpenEdGlobal #OEWeek23 show, talking about #OpenEducation, #OER, #OEP, #OpenEdBingo and even <gasp> #GenerativeAI 🤖🤖🤖 Watch it! https://connect.oeglobal.org/t/watch-oeweek-live-tuesday-7-march-show-2/4678
#bccampus #EdinburghUni #oeweek23 #openeducation #oer #oep #openedbingo #generativeAI
enjoyed wrapping up this Open Education Week #OEWeek23 exploring openness, #OER & #OEP with Alison Farrell, Ronan Bree & teaching staff in @maynoothuni webinar. link to slides: http://bit.ly/3ylj7em
Happy Open Education Week AND Open Data Day(s)! Two initiatives encouraging fully open academic practice, what a week🔓🎉 #oeweek23 #OpenDataDay #OpenAccess
#oeweek23 #opendataday #openaccess
really enjoyed this live Open Education Week #OEWeek23 chat yesterday with @cogdog, @marendeepwell, Jennryn Wetzler @creativecommons & Jennifer Rogers @LibreTexts – talking about open education, open publishing, #HE4Good and finding joy.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfTOY9AOjCU #OEWeek
Open Education Week #OEWeek23 begins today! check out the schedule of webinars & conversations https://oeweek.oeglobal.org/schedule/all/ (see also @OpenEdGlobal@twitter.com) #OEWeek
6-10 Mart haftası #AçıkEğitim haftası olarak kutlanıyor. Dünyanın farklı yerlerinde yapılacak etkinlikleri bağlantıdaki adreste görebilir, kendi etkinliklerinizi bu kolektif takvime ekleyebilirsiniz. #OEWeek23
RT @OEWeek
🔥Now Open: Call for contributions to #OEWeek 2023 🔥
This #OEWeek23 join us! Show the world how together, being open can make a difference in education. ❓#whatwillyoushare
📆 March 6-10
📌 where you are!
👉 https://oeg…
#acikegitim #oeweek23 #oeweek #whatwillyoushare