Final day for Nebula nominations: a reminder that Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances is eligible for Best Novella, and The Red Scholar's Wake is eligible for Best Novel #awards #nebulas #TheRedScholarsWake #lesbianSpacePirates #LesbianRomance #ScienceFiction #XuyaUniverse #ofCharmsGhostsAndGrievances
#awards #nebulas #theRedScholarsWake #LesbianSpacePirates #lesbianromance #sciencefiction #xuyauniverse #ofcharmsghostsandgrievances
Oh gosh I'm delighted to see THE RED SCHOLAR'S WAKE, OF CHARMS, GHOSTS AND GRIEVANCES and Alyssa Winans' cover for THE RED SCHOLAR'S WAKE on the BSFA longlist
(alongside much much cool stuff by friends!)
#awards #sff #theRedScholarsWake #LesbianSpacePirates #gollancz #ofcharmsghostsandgrievances
#awards #sff #theRedScholarsWake #LesbianSpacePirates #gollancz #ofcharmsghostsandgrievances
Ok so the simplified version of the awards post is:
-The Red Scholar's Wake is eligible for Best Novel
-Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances is eligible for Best Novella for the Hugos and Nebulas, and Best Short Fiction for the Bsfa Awards #awards #theRedScholarsWake #LesbianSpacePirates #ofCharmsGhostsAndGrievances #murderhusbands #AwardsEligiblity #awardsseason #sff #sciencefiction
#awards #theRedScholarsWake #LesbianSpacePirates #ofcharmsghostsandgrievances #murderhusbands #AwardsEligiblity #awardsseason #sff #sciencefiction