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📬 Microsoft Word Sicherheitslücke überlässt Hackern Dein System
#ITSicherheit #MicrosoftWord #Office2013 #Office2016 #Office2019 #Office2021 #Phishing #RCE #RTF #Schwachstelle #Sicherheitslücke https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/microsoft-word-sicherheitsluecke-ueberlaesst-hackern-dein-system-266568.html
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Der Patient ist schon wieder in Aktion. #Windows11, #Office2019 und #Lenovo #Systemupdate sind schon installiert. Jetzt fehlen nur noch ein paar Windows-Updates #computerkram
#windows11 #office2019 #lenovo #systemupdate #Computerkram
It takes at least twice as many clicks & a hell of a lot more thinking to save a new document in #Office365 than it did in #Office2019. The defaults are insane & the ways it attempts to streamline operations...don't.
Microsoft Office 2019 sẽ được phát hành cho người dùng vào mùa thu năm 2018. Mặc dù Office 365 là sản phẩm chức năng nhất hiện nay, thực tế là chúng tôi có thể phát triển một bộ riêng biệt của phần mềm Office là thực sự cần thiết cho nhu cầu sử dụng của người dùng khác nhau.
Xem thêm: https://khotaiphanmem.net/office-2019-full/
#office2019 #office_2019 #khotaiphanmem
Die interne IT plant für den Rollout von #office2019 und #win10 21H1 eine Neuformatierung der Festplatte. Und ich versteh so garnicht warum. Zumal auf meinem Rechner schon 21H1 läuft…
Are you aware, that #Office2016 and #Office2019 are losing connection to #Microsoft365 services (Exchange Online etc.) on October 2023?
#microsoft365 #office2019 #office2016
RT @Computerworld@twitter.com: #Microsoft hikes #Office2019 retail prices by up to 10% @gkeizer@twitter.com https://www.computerworld.com/article/3316548/office-software/microsoft-hikes-office-2019-retail-prices-by-up-to-10.html
RT @aperturadesigns: After announcing record profits, Microsoft is increasing the price of Office 2019 by ten percent. Business owners wanting better value for money should look at switching to @LibreOffice. https://t.co/Tuwj8bIPWj #office2019 #libreoffice #opensource
#opensource #libreoffice #office2019