The #USPS is a federal #government agency explicitly authorized by the #Constitution with a #monopoly on letter delivery.
It receives nearly 40 percent of its revenue from online purchases and delivering #JunkMail from private retailers like #Walmart, #Staples, #OfficeDepot, #Walgreens, #SamsClub, #Costco, and grocery stores.
It lost over $9 billion in 2020.
And it runs giant ads in daily #email notifications about incoming #mail for its in-house promotional #podcast.
#usps #government #constitution #monopoly #junkmail #walmart #staples #officedepot #walgreens #samsclub #costco #email #mail #podcast
Web site problems aren't limited to Frontier. Seems search feature doesn't work on #OfficeDepot web site.
Today I went to #OfficeDepot, to get paper and they wanted $29.49 for the ream I wanted. So I looked it up on Amazon, which had the same paper listed, with free shipping, for $11.48.
I understand that getting something in person will cost more, but this was almost 3x as much, and at almost $30 for 1 ream of paper, I was pissed! I felt like they were trying to "ream" me for all I was worth!
I brought the paper to the register and told them I didn't want it, that I was insulted, and that I wouldn't be back. The cashier noted that they have a price match policy, which I was unaware of, and I did purchase the paper at $11.48 rather than $29.49.
But still, THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT! There's a certain relationship businesses have with their customers, and Office Depot's attempted pricing gouging told me they prefer a predatory relationship.
With companies reporting record profits during this "inflation" the lesson people need to learn is to not only say "No," but "HELL NO!"
Now that #OfficeMax and #OfficeDepot stores have both closed in my neighborhood, only Fedex remains as a print shop. Do they need more competition!