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#dogsofmastodon #Mastodogs #dogstodon #Mondog #Hunde #Hundeliebe #Bürohund #officedogs #dogsarelove #Mastodonrudel #Mehrhundehalter
#dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #dogstodon #Mondog #hunde #hundeliebe #burohund #officedogs #dogsarelove #Mastodonrudel #mehrhundehalter
The nice thing about #OfficeDogs is that, at any point during the day, you can get guilted into scratching a neglected little fuzzy tummy...
This is the kind of thing that makes it worthwhile turning up at the office...
I have a cushion in the sunny spot at the end of my desk that my #OfficeDogs like to snooze in (when they aren't on guard duty)