#OfficeKitty is joining the rest of Australia watching the #Matildas play England at the #WorldCup
#officekitty #matildas #worldcup #fifawwc2023
Cats around the world have been deprived of their favourite resting place with the decline of print newspapers. This weekend #OfficeKitty really appreciated me getting The Saturday Paper and has been lying on it for several hours
#OfficeKitty is trying to sit with us on the couch but we keep shouting, gasping and throwing our hands up in hope and then pain, she is jumping off in fright.
#TheAshes #cricket
#officekitty #theashes #cricket
#OfficeKitty is having an extra-long Sunday morning snooze on my lap on this gorgeous, peaceful #Melbourne Sunday morning.
It's still #Caturday somewhere in the world!
#officekitty #melbourne #caturday #catsofmastodon
#OfficeKitty is waiting for me to start work. She is purring in anticipation, glad the long weekend is over.
She wishes everyone a happy working week, especially those #CatsOfMastodon who also work as office supervisors!
#OfficeKitty likes accompanying me in the garden while I am doing garden stuff. She does not like facing the camera and made sure her head was turned as far away as possible when she saw I was trying to take her photo.
#caturday #CatsOfMastodon #gardenAus #GardenKitty
#officekitty #caturday #catsofmastodon #gardenaus #gardenkitty
#OfficeKitty is sleeping for an extra long time on top of my arm while I am working. I have pins and needles as a result and am having difficulty using a couple of fingers in my right hand.
I can't move her because I am too soft-hearted. I am trying to alleviate my discomfort by moving my hand. She is ignoring my movements and snoozing on.
A thoughtful article on Australia's urban stray cat problem: "Assisting semi-owners and owners in disadvantaged areas to desex their cats is the best long-term solution to the stray cat problem."
We adopted #OfficeKitty when we were living in western Sydney in an area with a terrible stray cat problem. Our neighbours also adopted cats. We all immediately deserved and immunised our adopted cats. The reason they were strays is because their previous owners could not afford to desesex and immunise them, then their landlords forced them to abandon the cats.
Landlords should not be allowed to force tenants to abandon their pets - including governments who are #Landlords to people in social housing
#environment #StrayCats
#officekitty #landlords #environment #straycats
#OfficeKitty is relaxing while we are watching a video about the music of #GordonLightfoot - RIP
#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
#officekitty #gordonlightfoot #catsofmastodon #caturday
#OfficeKitty is relaxing while we are watching a video about the music of #GordonLightfoot - RIP
#CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
#officekitty #gordonlightfoot #catsofmastodon #caturday
The Melbourne Flower & Garden Show is a great place to get information and ideas. I picked up a great brochure from the Wheen Bee Foundation which lists a whole lot of native bee-friendly plants for our area of #Melbourne. The detail is fantastic. There were different brochures for different parts of Melbourne as well as rural areas.
#OfficeKitty also approved of this brochure!
After pruning the Morning Glory and bougainvillea that was encroaching on our lemon tree from next door, we realised that our fruit-laden lemon tree has increased its lean over the last few months and is in danger of toppling.
As a temporary measure we have shoved a heavy outdoor table against the trunk. During the week I got horticultural advice about the hard prune we are going to need to give it.
As always #OfficeKitty is nearby when we are doing something interesting in the garden
#BackyardGarden #GardeningAU
#officekitty #backyardgarden #gardeningau
#OfficeKitty was dismayed that it is a public holiday in #Melbourne so, feeling the need to pin my arm down at any rate, she went for the second-best and pinned it down on the breakfast table.
#officekitty #melbourne #catsofmastadon
#OfficeKitty agrees that productivity at work would improve if cats were in charge. She says she did this deliberately to further her campaign to stop discrimination against cats at work
I was planning on knocking off early today after an early start, but #OfficeKitty had other ideas! She pinned my arm to the desk and purred about her love for me. If cats were in charge of offices, perhaps people would work longer hours?
And after I claimed that she didn't look directly at the camera, she did it for once in her life!
On the weekends #OfficeKitty becomes #GardenKitty. She doesn't like looking at the camera because she says that she knows that some people on Mastodon don't like seeing eyes looking straight at the camera - she is a considerate and caring Kitty.
I am too polite to point out to her that she didn't like looking at the camera before she had even heard of Mastodon.
#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
#officekitty #gardenkitty #caturday #catsofmastodon
February is the month when Scarborough Lillies flower in #Melbourne. These are not lillies at all, but South African bulbs called Cyrtanthus elatus. Our last flower emerged this week.
Because they are not lillies, they are perfectly safe for cats. I have them on the table so they can be easily seen from inside. #OfficeKitty likes sitting on this table too!
#GardeningAU #gardening
#melbourne #officekitty #gardeningau #gardening
#OfficeKitty is closely supervising the office work this morning and making sure this office worker does not shirk duties by pinning her arm to the desk. She does this often. Last week, when this photo was taken, I developed pins and needles in my arm.
Fortunately she is purring about the quality of the work being done - phew!