À propos my last toot…(still feels awkward typing that): The Globe and Mail (A15/ Saturday Dec. 17) reports Bill C-11 is receiving “practically unanimous” support in Québec. J’aimerais savoir ce que les collègues en milieux minoritaires francophones en pensent…

#socialmedia #internet #canada #languesofficielles #officiallanguages

Last updated 2 years ago

Should add: I will not be focusing exclusively on the Canadian - examples will be in many languages. However, the languages of instruction are EN/FR, so I'm hoping to strike a balance. I am also including Indigenous content from Indigenous voices - happy to hear of any key suggestions in this area as well. Merci!

#socialmedia #highered #canada #xl8 #translationstudies #officiallanguages

Last updated 2 years ago