#maladaptations: Misleading #offsets carry negative #consequences for the #climate because they are not #offsetting the #emissions released… not reducing deforestation as much as claimed, and for the future finance of #forestconservation because the reputational risks of being tainted by accusations of #greenwash may deter future #investments- Julia P. G. Jones
#maladaptations #offsets #consequences #climate #offsetting #emissions #forestconservation #greenwash #investments #deforestation
Australia is at a turning point
250 years of extinctions and degradation is enough.
Every indicator on the environment is going in the wrong direction.
"The Henry review is the latest in a number reports that have found Australia’s natural environment is in peril. The five-yearly state of the environment released last year found it was in poor and deteriorating health due to pressure from climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, pollution and mining."
"Dr Ken Henry (Chair of the Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation) says NSW’s biodiversity laws are failing and must be overhauled to give nature protection primacy over l o g g i n g , mining and urban expansion....Australia’s environment must be given legal priority over land-clearing and logging to survive."
"He made the comments after leading a scathing review of the New South Wales Biodiversity Conservation Act, which said the laws were failing and were likely to never succeed unless they were overhauled to give n a t u r e p r o t e c t i o n primacy over development, logging, mining and urban expansion."
“Legislation that deals with rural lands and rural land-clearing, in particular, [but also] legislation that deals with planning, with f o r e s t r y , with mining – you name it, all of those other acts have p r i m a c y over the biodiversity and conservation act, and they are undermining its effectiveness..That’s the biggest problem."
"On nature, Henry’s recommendations included the creation of “no-go” zones in which land-clearing would be banned and major changes to the state’s biodiversity offset scheme, which was found to be “compromised”."
“Fix the biodiversity offset scheme, strengthen environmental protections and stop runaway land-clearing”.
#IntergenerationalTragedy #Offsetting #climate #Logging #StopLogging #NativeForest #Australia #policy #environment #law #biodiversity #extinction makers
#intergenerationaltragedy #offsetting #climate #logging #stoplogging #nativeforest #australia #policy #environment #law #biodiversity #extinction
Offsetting- A cheap illusion of climate action
Forest conservation carbon offsets being significantly overestimated, new study finds
#Offsetting schemes #deforestation #degradation #REDD+ #Climate #Verra #CarbonStandardCredits #forest #offsets #logging #Australia #illusion #ClimateAction
#climateaction #offsetting #deforestation #degradation #redd #climate #verra #carbonstandardcredits #forest #offsets #logging #australia #illusion
Here is what the #aviation industry tells you about carbon #offsetting - and what the reality looks like.
Take a look at the new StayGroundedNet #greenwashing factsheet: https://stay-grounded.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/factsheet-offsets.pdf
Sign #petition here: https://www.rainforest-rescue.org/petitions/1272/eu-dont-let-big-polluters-off-the-hook-say-no-to-carbon-offsets
#petition #greenwashing #offsetting #aviation
10/10 Ian Elgie knows about the #Iroko or #Mvule tree as he and the Eastbourne United Nations Association are very involved in the Mvule Tree Planting project in #Uganda. This is an #Offsetting scheme which, of course, many are rightly super sceptical of, but anyway, here the link in case you are interested. Helping to plant #Mvule trees in Uganda probably a good thing?
#iroko #mvule #uganda #offsetting
#Offsetting or reducing #CO2: This is what #consumers want, says study
@mrchrisadams I'd say lobbying (including strategic litigation) is a much more risky investment, as you can't guarantee results or even that outcomes will monotonically increase with increasing expenditure.
On the least worst side of #offsetting there's e.g. #Compensate Oy, can't find their advisors on the fediverse though:
I'd rather buy & retire allowances from the #ETS.
Not sure how to fund refining improvements without funding the general expansion of refiners.
#ClimateDiary 24th May 2023.
#TyphoonMawar is battering #Guam with 220km/hour winds. Meanwhile police are raiding the households of #LetzteGeneration protesters in #Germany. A new study finds that #Chevron’s #Offsetting scheme is worthless, may even be detrimental. But also a small sign of #ClimateHope? #Shell #shareholders reject Shell’s #EnergyTransition plan after protesters disrupt their meeting
#ClimateDiary #typhoonmawar #Guam #LetzteGeneration #germany #Chevron #offsetting #climatehope #shell #shareholders #energytransition
Floods of nutrients from #fertilisers and #wastewater trash our rivers. Could #offsetting help?
#fertilisers #wastewater #offsetting #algae #HAB
So you're thinking of doing some carbon offsetting. But have you checked the offsets are V.A.L.I.D? youtube.com/shorts/cYOxMIG… #offsetting #carbon #netzero
Let's talk about Carbon Offsetting, All you need to know in under 10 Minutes! https://youtu.be/_SFEKDv_6CI #netzero #carbon #carbonfootprint #strategy #offsetting #verifiedcarbon
#netzero #carbon #carbonfootprint #strategy #offsetting #verifiedcarbon
You've heard of carbon offsetting, but what about carbon insetting? https://youtube.com/shorts/s9--AojumvY #carbon #offsetting #climatechange
#carbon #offsetting #ClimateChange
⚠️ Nature-based #offsetting & insetting projects, often fraught with environmental & human rights issues, are distracting companies from centering their #climate strategies on decarbonization ⚠️
Read this great piece by @CCSI_Columbia colleagues @NoraMardirossia & Jack Arnold 💡
RT @CCSI_Columbia
New commentary! We warn against relying on nature-based insetting, citing the practice's misalignment with the mitigation hierarchy, se…
"Methane emissions ‘incredibly cheap’ to cut without needing offsets, safeguard mechanism inquiry told"
#offsetting #offsets #emissions #methane
"‘Greenwashing’: Lufthansa defends Green Fares as campaigners slam offsetting plans"
#Greenwashing #Aviation #Aeroplanes #Offsetting #CarbonOffsetting
#Carbonoffsetting #offsetting #aeroplanes #Aviation #greenwashing
The Australian Government 's #SafeguardMechanism is meant to be a lever to limit polluting by big polluters. Instead, it is a permit to continue business as usual, or worse. Opening the avenue to unlimited #offsetting, putting a price cap on polluting, starting with sky high baselines, free credits and other flaws. Even the term safeguard is a misnomer when it comes to how the mechanism should be used (to decrease polluting).
Read more at:
#climate #greenwashing #auspol
#safeguardmechanism #offsetting #climate #greenwashing #auspol
RT @ItalyforClimate
Imprese e #offsetting ➡️ La #neutralitaclimatica è un obiettivo ambizioso per molte imprese, ma è importante fare le giuste scelte per raggiungerlo. [1/4]
#offsetting #neutralitaclimatica
I offset every month with CarbonFootprint.com and we're having a holiday of a lifetime, so flying, so paid a one-off sum to plant 7 trees to offset 7 tCO2e. However, I realized since that the 7 tCO2e are spread over a 100 year lifetime of each tree... which is far too slow. #offset #offsetting #carbonoffsets #flying
#offset #offsetting #carbonoffsets #flying
Weil es immer wieder fragwürdige Offsetting-Projekte gibt engagiere ich mich bei Compensators e.V. Wir kaufen mit Spenden #CO2-Zertifikate aus dem EU-Emissionshandel und legen sie still.