@jonasschaible @BMWK
"Nach der Abscheidung wird [das #CO2] zum Verteilungszentrum von #WintershallDea in Wilhelmshaven transportiert. Von dort aus wird es per Schiff / #Pipeline zu #Offshore-Speicherstätten in der #Nordsee transportiert."
Übersicht zur Methodik:
#co2 #WintershallDea #Pipeline #offshore #nordsee
BREAKING [06.09-01:52] #Coquimbo #Elqui #Cile #Chile
(01:48 UTC+2) M 6.5 (prov) #offshore
Informazioni e aggiornamenti: https://www.emergenza24.org/cile-terremoto-07-09-2023/
#Coquimbo #elqui #cile #chile #earthquake #sismo #temblor #terremoto #offshore
How offshore wind-to-hydrogen could help fill Europe’s clean energy demand.
So-called green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis of water using renewable energy, currently accounts for only about 1% of global production. It is also about three times as expensive as its grey counterpart, produced from fossil fuel sources.
Are floating turbines and electrolysers a solution to scaling green hydrogen?
#Europe #Hydrogen #GreenHydrogen #WindFarms #Offshore #Energy
#Energy #offshore #windfarms #greenhydrogen #hydrogen #Europe
Boston Consulting Group spår norsk #havvind eventyr. 300 GW kan bygges ut uten å være i konflikt med andre interesser #energi #vindkraft #offshore #norsktut
#havvind #Energi #vindkraft #offshore #Norsktut
UPDATE [28.06-22:40]
Mar di #Bali Sea #Indonesia
(21:55 UTC+2) M 7.2 #offshore
Informazioni e aggiornamenti: https://www.emergenza24.org/indonesia-terremoto-28-08-2023/
#bali #indonesia #earthquake #sismo #temblor #terremoto #offshore
wer diese Anlagen baut ist mir fast egal, Hauptsache sie werden gebaut.
Wenn die Europäer es nicht gebacken bekommen, dann eben China.
#klimakatastrophe #windenergie #offshore #europa #china
I always expected something like this could/would happen.
#offshore #windfarms #wildlife #wales
Around 10% of global GDP is held in #offshore accounts... not all of this wealth may be ill-gotten, but certainly much of it isn't legitimately held.
Is now the time a new International Anti-Corruption Court?
So later this month in Hamburg a group of #lawyers & #Jurists are starting to write a potential treaty to offer a complementary court to the #ICC.
Peter Hain wants the UK to get involved. As he says: 'It’s no good vocally criticising corruption while turning a blind eye to it' at home'!
#offshore #lawyers #jurists #ICC
ADESSO [11.08-02:18] #Hokkaido #Giappone #Japan
#hokkaido #giappone #japan #earthquake #sismo #temblor #terremoto #offshore
UK offshore wind at ‘tipping point’ as funding crisis threatens industry | Renewable energy | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/05/uk-offshore-wind-at-tipping-point-as-funding-crisis-threatens-industry
#windpower #offshore #windfarms
#windpower #offshore #WindFarms
L’industria dell’#energia #eolica #offshore sta attraversando una #crisi #finanziaria poiché i costi continuano a salire. L’#inflazione dei componenti e del costo del lavoro, insieme all’aumento dei #tassi di #interesse, ha portato a un aumento del 57% dei relativi costi associati ai progetti eolici offshore #statunitensi dal 2021. Di conseguenza, molti dei quali sono stati annullati o rinegoziati.
Mio articolo
#energia #eolica #offshore #crisi #finanziaria #inflazione #tassi #interesse #statunitensi
Seen this ship during a ferry crossing.
Never would have imagined that they transported the central shaft vertically. Pretty impressive.
Texas is ready for offshore wind but pitfalls abound
#texas #offshorewind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #greeneconomy #usa #sdg7 #jobs
#texas #OffshoreWind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #GreenEnergy #greeneconomy #usa #sdg7 #jobs
Texas is ready for offshore wind but pitfalls abound
#texas #offshorewind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #greeneconomy #usa #sdg7 #jobs
#texas #Offshorewind #offshore #offshorewindenergy #windjobs #wind #energy #renewableenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #Greeneconomy #usa #SDG7 #jobs
Offshore-Windparks vor dem AusScheitert die Energiewende an der Inflation? https://jungefreiheit.de/wirtschaft/2023/energiewende-windparks-scheitern/ #Energiewende #Wirtschaft #Vattenfall #Windparks #Windräder #Offshore
#offshore #windrader #windparks #vattenfall #wirtschaft #energiewende
#Frankreich hält trotz des massiven Ausfalls von #atomkraftwerken im Jahr 2022 an der Atomenergie fest.
Während der Bau der neuen Atomkraftwerke allerdings noch in der Planungsphase steckt, werden in Frankreich eher still und leise weitere neue #Offshore-Windparks an das Stromnetz angeschlossen.
#erneuerbareenergien #Erneuerbarenergie
#Erneuerbarenergie #erneuerbareenergien #offshore #atomkraftwerken #frankreich
Re ✅ #Offshore hybrids are secured following the trail of the EU strategy on offshore renewables #ORES
✅ Opening up for new economic models for #renewables projects - not only CfDs
✅ Now possible to use revenues from CfDs for investments in transmission networks (2/3)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mortenhelveg/status/1681579939693305856
Da sich meine Praxiszeit dem Ende entgegen neigt, konnte ich in der vergangenen Woche mal auf einem Cargo-Schiff reinschnuppern.
Die MS Catjan wurde für eine Seekabel-Verlegung vor Föhr gechartert.
Es war eine wahnsinnig erlebnisreiche, spaßige und lehrreiche Woche 🤩😊
An off-shore windfarm in Yorkshire has been approved that will be able to power a million homes.
#GoodNews #Wind #Energy #Electricity #Yorkshire #OffShore #Turbines #Green
#goodnews #wind #energy #electricity #yorkshire #offshore #turbines #green
‘HybridLabs’: University of Limerick to participate in unique offshore renewables project
The new initiative aims to accelerate the deployment of offshore renewable technologies for both electricity & hydrogen production
#StudyatUL #Research #Energy #RenewableEnergy #Offshore #Technology #University
#StudyatUL #research #energy #renewableenergy #offshore #technology #university