Off the Grid, rilasciato il gameplay trailer del battle royale di Gunzilla Games
#gunzillagames #offthegrid #video
Author @kbromberg has revealed the gorgeous cover for Off the Grid!
Exclusively available in #kindleunlimited September 14th!
Wide readers pre-order only
Apple Books:
Audible: Coming Soon!
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#kbromberg #offthegrid #fullthrottleseries #Formula1Romance #AdultRomance #BritishHero #ContemporaryRomance #OfficeRomance #BandofBrothers
#bandofbrothers #officeromance #contemporaryromance #britishhero #adultromance #formula1romance #fullthrottleseries #offthegrid #kbromberg #kindleunlimited
Open Source Waterwheel - Here in the West, power going out is an unusual event. But in more remote regions ... - #hydroelectricity #hydroelectric #water-powered #greenhacks #hydropower #hydropower #offthegrid #waterwheel #generator #offgrid #water
#offgrid #generator #waterwheel #offthegrid #hydropower #greenhacks #water #hydroelectric #hydroelectricity
#offthegrid #MarinaDistrict #FortMason #mimbohouse #funko #funkopop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
#offthegrid #marinadistrict #fortmason #mimbohouse #Funko #FunkoPop #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscobay #sfba #sfbayarea #esseff #thecity #bayarea
Look at this, flexible solar panel [Smile] super cool. Just arrived. #energy #solar #offthegrid
Vandaag gewerkt aan de boomhut en een goede slag gemaakt. Morgen verder.
De kinderen zijn er ook heel blij!l mee!
#boomhut #offthegrid #treehouse #zelfbouw #diy
One of the reasons why I love siphon coffee so much is you can brew it pretty much anywhere. Had one on the back deck earlier today.
#siphoncoffee #outdoorcoffee #offthegrid
Having a little picknick after working in the vegetable garden with the kids all morning. It has rained so the soil is perfect to prepare for some more seeding and planting.
#OffGrid #OutdoorLiving #OffTheGrid #VegetableGarden #NaturalLearning #Picknick #freelife #FamilyPicknick
#offgrid #outdoorliving #offthegrid #vegetablegarden #naturallearning #picknick #freelife #familypicknick
So, I used this thick winter jacket from Doris to prepare rice pudding (let I cook for 1 minute and then put it in the winter jacket and let it sit for 1 hout). I would love to make my own 'Hay madam' (a portable version of the hay box). Does anyone has experience with that?
Can I for example use old pillow stuffing for it?
#offgrid #offthegrid #makeyourown #hooimad #haymadam
Morning walk over the vineyard and the vegetable rained the past few days and it makes everything even more beautiful!
#OffGrid #OffTheGrid #VegetableGarden #GrowYourOwn #Vineyard #OutdoorLiving #Nature #NatureLover #GreenFingers
#offgrid #offthegrid #vegetablegarden #growyourown #vineyard #outdoorliving #nature #naturelover #GreenFingers
Small screencast of 3D buildings in New York. Map stored in planet.mbtiles - served by RPi4.
#OffTheGrid #OSM
Some beasts and where they live. 3 of 3
#WildThings #WhereTheyAre #OffTheGrid
#AllTheColors #OwMyEyes
#IllustrationOfADifferentTime #PsychologicalLandscape
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt
#WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#wildthings #wheretheyare #offthegrid #allthecolors #owmyeyes #illustrationofadifferenttime #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Some beasts and where they live. 2 of 3
#WildThings #WhereTheyAre #OffTheGrid
#AllTheColors #OwMyEyes
#IllustrationOfADifferentTime #PsychologicalLandscape
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt
#WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#wildthings #wheretheyare #offthegrid #allthecolors #owmyeyes #illustrationofadifferenttime #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Some beasts and where they live. 1 of 3
#WildThings #WhereTheyAre #OffTheGrid
#AllTheColors #OwMyEyes
#IllustrationOfADifferentTime #PsychologicalLandscape
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt
#WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#wildthings #wheretheyare #offthegrid #allthecolors #owmyeyes #illustrationofadifferenttime #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Recuerden que si tienen una Pioneer con SuperTuner IIID, tienen una mΓ‘quina para hacer DX. Ponganle una antena exterior y disfruten de la hermosa radio, off-the-grid, sin necesidad de internet. Si la conectan a una bateria de 12v estan prontos para el apocalipsis zombie. MΓ‘s informacion, pueden ver los videos del curso de diexismo AM/FM que dimos con el hacklab BMesh en pandemia --> #radio #diexismo #hamradio #am #fm #offthegrid #apocalipsiszombie #diy
#diy #apocalipsiszombie #offthegrid #fm #am #hamradio #Diexismo #radio
Super happy with our new picnic table we bought yesterday! Now summer is coming in Portugal it is so nice to be able to eat and cook outside more often.
#OffGrid #OutdoorLiving #OffTheGrid #Picnic #Outside
#offgrid #outdoorliving #offthegrid #picnic #outside
All day hammock day! After 7 days of intens labour with chainsaw, hoe, drill and hands today I need rest and my body to recover.
With my verbena-from-the-garden tea...what else. ;)
#offgrid #workweek #offthegrid #outdoorliving #gardening
Vandaag twee enorme dennenbomen laten neerhalen door een bomen dokter. De ene zaagden hij in stukje vanaf de top, de andere liet hij precies om de goede plek vallen. De eerste was dood, opgegeten door de letterzetter-kever en de tweede stond zo schuin dat we vreesden dat hij met een goede storm om zou gaan.
Nu mag ik aan de slag met de kettingzaag om het bos weer netjes op te ruimen.
#offgrid #bomenzagen #offthegrid #houthakker #kettingzaag
Een nieuwe mini-mini-docu staat online, aflevering 4 van Kinderen van de wereld. Deze keer gaat het over beestjes, groot en klein, in het bos.
#OffGrid #OffTheGrid #NatuurlijkLeren #Natuur #Dieren #BuitenLeven
#offgrid #offthegrid #natuurlijkleren #natuur #dieren #buitenleven
Checking out the new vegetable garden and the big ants that are in it.
#NaturalLearning #OffGrid #OffTheGrid #Nature #Unschooling #OutdoorLiving #MorningWalk
#naturallearning #offgrid #offthegrid #nature #unschooling #outdoorliving #morningwalk