🔔Final day of #OurFutureIsPublic Conference 2022!
Two thematic discussions highlight this last day: #Feministalternatives & #GenderEquality, and #Climate Justice.
🔎Full program on: http://ourfutureispublic.org
Follow & contribute to the conversation using the #OFIP22 hashtag
#ourfutureispublic #feministalternatives #genderequality #climate #ofip22
RT @FNVOverheid@twitter.com
Op de Our Future is Public conferentie in Santiago, Chili deed @rosapavanelli@twitter.com van @PSIglobalunion@twitter.com namens de publieke sector bonden de oproep om vakbondsrechten te respecteren, want "public workers are the backbone of quality public services." #OFIP22 https://publicservices.international/resources/news/our-future-is-public-or-there-will-be-no-future-says-rosa-pavanelli-in-chile?id=13514&lang=en
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FNVOverheid/status/1598320836917829635
RT @Nielsjongerius
What have we learned about public services and public ownership, since thé COVID pandemic? Opening question of panel discussion moderated by our own @TNInstitute @LSteinfort at #OurFutureIsPublic #OFIP22
RT @ESFCatalunya@twitter.com
🙋♀️ Comencem les Jornades Internacionals #OFiP2022 a Santiago de Xile! Quatre dies per posar en valor i crear estratègies per a defensar uns serveis públics que garanteixin els drets humans! #OFIP22
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ESFCatalunya/status/1597602262217502720
Here's the link to the Our Future is Public website #ofip22
RT @smrwsk
We have started! The 2022 Our future is public conference in Santiago, Chili. Excited about the energy sector meeting organized by @TNInstitute which will start in 2 hours. Access to energy is a human right and should be guaranteed for all, especially in times like these! #OFIP22
RT @Nielsjongerius
Opening #OurFutureIsPublic #OFIP22 conference in Chili.
Welcome by the Santiago municipality and opening speech by chair of @PSIglobalunion.
We are here to discuss the rollback of privatisation, to end unjust extractivism and to organise a just transition in the climate crisis. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1597571857615814656
RT @DHyPolFiscal@twitter.com
✈️We are on the way to the #OFiP22 #OurFutureIsPublic conference in Santiago de Chile. We invite you to join one of the events we will be participating in: Fiscal Cooperation and Human Rights, with @Magda_Sepul@twitter.com, @RodrigoUprimny@twitter.com and @zilhen@twitter.com, moderated by @lauraabcarvalho@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DHyPolFiscal/status/1597297336383729664