I like some #music:
#music #beachboys #bjork #blackflag #brianeno #carlyraejepsen #daftpunk #dandeacon #davidbowie #delasoul #devo #el #elviscostello #fionaapple #flaminglips #fuckedup #girltalk #gratefuldead #gruffrhys #jamesbrown #johncoltrane #lizzymercierdescloux #m #ofmontreal #operationivy #pixies #radiohead #redfang #spoon #superfurryanimals #talkingheads #therollingstones #theseaandcake #theymightbegiants #tomwaits #tootsandthemaytals #wire
Kevin Barnes, the creative force leading the band named of Montreal, creates work that is endlessly fascinating, quirky and full of humanity. I love this performance.
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
of Montreal:
🎵 Baby
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #ofmontreal
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
Glüme feat. of Montreal:
🎵 Wedding Cake Shop
#nowplaying #AfternoonShow #glume #ofmontreal
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
of Montreal:
🎵 Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #ofmontreal
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #DriveTime
Glüme feat. of Montreal:
🎵 Wedding Cake Shop
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#nowplaying #Drivetime #glume #ofmontreal
#BetterOblivionCommunityCenter, Forest Lawn
#TinyTim, The Other Side
#IttzhakPerlman & LPO, #Vivaldi, Four Seasons op. 8, Winter: Allegro non molto
#BobbyBlueBland, I Ain't Myself Anymore
#OfMontreal, Climb The Ladder
#BirdSongs, Grey Wagtail (Motalilla Cinerea)
#WolfParade, Floating World
#Oasis, Lyla
#LCDSoundsystem, I Can Change
#BruceSpringsteen, Turn Back The Hands Of Time
#brucespringsteen #lcdsoundsystem #oasis #wolfparade #birdsongs #ofmontreal #bobbybluebland #vivaldi #ittzhakperlman #tinytim #betteroblivioncommunitycenter #TheMorningLine
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
of Montreal:
🎵 Gallery Piece
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #ofmontreal
#JuliaHolter, Silhouette
#Carla and #Rufus, 'Cause I Love You
#MarvinGaye, Pride and Joy
#OfMontreal, Subtext Read, Nothing New
#Killers, For Reasons Unknown
#GrahamParker and The Rumour, Stop Cryin' About The Rain
#TySegall, The Feels
#TheNegroProblem, The Rain In Leimert Park Last Tuesday
#Eels, Fresh Blood
#eels #thenegroproblem #TySegall #grahamparker #killers #ofmontreal #marvingaye #Rufus #carla #juliaholter #TheMorningLine
Always a pleasant surprise having #ofMontreal slide into a random playlist…
#OfMontreal, Casualty of You
#TomVek, A Little Word In Your Ear
#HollyCole Trio, Je Ne T'Aime Pas
#TheSundays, A Certain Someone
#MarkLanegan, Emperor
@ErnieKDoe, A Place Where We Can Be Friends
#TheNewMendicants, Cruel Annette
#PublicAccessTV, Meltdown
#PublicAccessTV #TheNewMendicants #MarkLanegan #TheSundays #HollyCole #TomVek #ofmontreal #TheMorningLine
What are we rocking out to today, Mastofriends? #TodaysJam for me is "Suffer For Fashion" by Of Montreal
#Music #OfMontreal
This mornings #playlist. #sonicyouth #animalcollective #ofmontreal #macdemarco
#macdemarco #ofmontreal #animalcollective #sonicyouth #playlist
For my COVID hobby, I started making karaoke tracks for my favorite songs. I've ended up with over 555 tracks and they're all available on YouTube under Karaoke From Space.
#rem #frankblack #beulah #cake #modestmouse #beck #theflaminglips #wilco #pixies #soulcoughing #pavement #ofmontreal #starlightmints #brendanbenson #sidneygish #spoon #thereplacements #thethe #tmbg #theymightbegiants #grandaddy
#rem #frankblack #beulah #cake #modestmouse #beck #theflaminglips #wilco #pixies #SoulCoughing #pavement #ofmontreal #starlightmints #brendanbenson #sidneygish #spoon #thereplacements #thethe #tmbg #theymightbegiants #grandaddy
@panicarcadia This track is from my go-to ARRHGG! album. Paralytic Stalks is quite hard to break into and has extended noise/atmosphere sections typical of Montreal, but as always it's so worth the effort. But this is a nice assessable ditty to see if it gels with you. Hope the shitness wanes soon. #np #now playing #ofmontreal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7dPJigSxko