📰 My Strategy - Part 1/2
Some insight into my trading strategy. I will go into it in more detail later.
#ofr_insights #forex #daytrading
📰 Your balance is irrelevant
Attached my perspective on why your balance does not mater.
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#daytrading #forextrading #trading #forex #TradingStrategies #ofr_insights
📌 About OFR
The ‘skinny' version:
Been a day trader for +-2 decades. Achieved [mostly] everything I’ve set out to achieve. Feel it's time to hang up the proverbial gloves. However, before I do so, I would like to give it one last spin around the block.
So this journey, this one final run, is essentially my ‘swan song’ before I hang up those gloves.
That's as ‘skinny’ as it gets. Hop on-board, grab your popcorn and follow this [hopefully] epic journey.
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