Well I'm *shocked*, shocked I tell you.
Headline: "Council-maintained #Schools in England outperforming academies in #Ofsted ratings."
Byline: "Research for Local Government Association renews questions over government’s ‘academisation’ policy."
When I was a governor a few years back there was a period where the Government were considering forcing all schools to become academies. We spend a significant amount of time going through the likely impact, which in our individual case would have been positive on paper, but discounted the benefits derived from being part of a wider, local educational community.
Research on #academies & council maintained #schools suggests that the policy of shifting schools into Academy management is not serving the needs of #students, measured by schools' #OFSTED grading.
However, given the economic structure of privately-run academies there is a group that are clearly benefiting (financially)...
Everywhere you turn the #Tories have moved to enrich a small coterie of chums & 'fellow travellers' - #Torycorruption takes many forms
#academies #schools #students #ofsted #tories #ToryCorruption
More news on the story of #katharinebirbalsingh and the supposed #catidentifying pupil! The emergency unannounced inspection by #ofsted has discovered that the school in question is a rather good school with no particular issues. To the untutored reader it looks rather better than the establishment run by #katharinebirbalsingh!
#katharinebirbalsingh #catidentifying #ofsted
#School in ‘#CatPupil’ controversy given #Ofsted all-clear after snap inspection
Inspectors praise ‘sensitive and impartial’ teaching of relationship and sex education at #RyeCollege after secret video raised concerns
#ryecollege #ofsted #catpupil #school
Was it really ‘inadequate’ if they can turn it around to ‘good’ within a few months?
As the Guardian notes the solution to the crisis in #teaching isn't rocket science:
Better pay - to restore the profession's economic standing;
Workload reduction - to reduce the extreme demands on #teachers time & restore a better #worklifebalance;
Reform of #OFSTED which has lost the confidence of the profession & seems callous in light of criticism.
We must value those who work so hard to ensure our children gain the education they need for life (not just work)
#teaching #teachers #worklifebalance #ofsted
Still not listening.
School inspections need a huge reset and become more collaborative. Well past the time to get rid of one word evaluations.
BBC News - Ofsted school inspections to change after Ruth Perry's family campaign
#Ofsted has made some (inadequate?) changes to the #schools inspection routine - allowing schools attend inadequate on procedural ground to be promptly re-inspected, relaxing the secrecy around initial judgements - but these are widely seen as inadequate, leaving the School's standoff with #teaching #unions largely un-changed.
The Q. is what next?
#ofsted #schools #teaching #unions
Listening to birdsong in garden with a large glass of sherry & a book the kids think is boring (it’s not btw) so won’t talk to me about it. No online noise. No sassy chat back.
Please give #teachers the money. They so deserve it. Reform #Ofsted. It’s pants. #schoolstrikes
#teachers #ofsted #schoolstrikes
If you are a teacher or have teacher friends and relatives, you will know the impact that #OFSTED has on them, their pupils & working life. Ofsted operate within a culture of fear. Time for change is long overdue.
Please support.
"...the inspector interrupted her lesson to ask her – in front of all her 11- and 12-year-old pupils – to point out the most disadvantaged children. She said: 'I was so shocked I just stood there like a goldfish.' The teacher refused to openly point at the children, but offered to show the information on a seating plan, which the inspector refused."
Teachers asked to chip in £1 each for legal case against Ofsted | Ofsted | The Guardian
BBC interview with Amanda Spielman on Kuenssberg on Sunday - indirect quote - ‘many inspectors are human beings’.
Ofsted refuses to drop ‘one-word assessments’ despite teachers' concerns | Morning Star
If you're not quite sure what is going on in the dispute over #OFSTED inspections then this @YorksBylines piece will give you a clue why #teachers are losing any remaining...
#ofsted #teachers #supportourteachers
We may be cynical about the impact of petitions on policy, but nonetheless its worth registering our position.
So, here is a petition for the reform of #OFSTED which you might want to take a minute to sign... its one way the non-teachers can back up the #Teachers' call for OFSTED's radical reform.
If I was in the #LabourParty & looking for a policy that would put clear blue water between the #Tories & Labour, I'd be seriously looking to abolish #OFSTED & replace it with a system that would support #teachers.
To avoid the right-wing accusations that teachers want to evade scrutiny, it would need to specify the replacement, but....
that shouldn't be too difficult as there is a wealth of expertise in the teaching profession who despite right-propoganda want to do right for their students!
#labourparty #tories #ofsted #teachers
End Ofsted’s Reign of Terror: Demand Fair and Just Procedures for Everyone
#regulation #education #ofsted
““Balancing what’s best for the children and what Ofsted want to see is an increasing challenge, but I didn’t become a head teacher to worry about ridiculous stuff like Ofsted and DfE, especially when they rarely seem to have the best interests of the children as their core aim.””
#Ofsted #Education #UKPolitics https://apple.news/AwbyDmYf-S4SkB9gAclIKNA
#ofsted #Education #ukpolitics