Interesting video on #OpenDnD #ogl11 #hasbro #wotc
Watch "Hasbro mocked by Investors over Magic the Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons controversies" on YouTube
Paizo announces that they are rejecting the OGL license and that they are creating the ORC: an free and open system for everyone.
#ogl11 #OGLGate #orclicense
Zack, Paizo haut die Open RPG Creative License, passenderweise als ORC abgekürzt, raus. Diese soll "offen, unbefristet und unwiderruflich" sein und "Die Open RPG Creative License wird systemunabhängig für unabhängige Spieleverlage unter der rechtlichen Leitung von Azora Law entwickelt, einer Anwaltskanzlei für geistiges Eigentum, die Paizo und mehrere andere Spieleverlage vertritt. " (Zitat aus der Pressemitteilung)
#pnpde #ttrpg #rpg #ogl #ogl11 #Paizo #dnd
Eric Tenkar at #Tenkarstavern
OGL 1.1 - Frog God Games Issues Official Statement Regarding 1.1 - Tim... via #ýoutube
#froggodgames #swordsandwizardry #OSE #osr #ogl11 #opendnd #youtube #tenkarstavern
Bin gespannt auf eine offizielle Reaktion von Paizo, aber offensichtlich verharren sie nicht in Schockstarre. #ogl11 #pathfinder2e
Cancelled my d&d beyond subscription in response to the OGL 1.1. There are plenty of other systems out there, and I have no desire to give it to #WizardsOfTheCoast / #Hasbro to further their corporate greed.
#wizardsofthecoast #hasbro #dnd #dndbeyond #ogl11
According to one of the original architect of the OGL, Hasbro cannot revoke former licences. All previous materials written under OGL1.0a will stay. No worries.
#ogl11 #OGLGate
Paragraph X.A says that if their stuff happens to look like yours, that’s okay.
X.B says that they won’t try to claim ownership of works made under the OGL1.1, but they can use it in any way they want, anywhere, forever, and they don’t owe you a dime.
X.C repeats an earlier section for fun, reminding you that they own their stuff.
Section X basically says “What’s ours is ours, and also what’s yours is ours.”
One more personal, non-lawyer, observation of the leaked #OGL11 I have is that the use of #revenue rather than #profit means #Hasbro #WotC is ignoring all of those involved in creating the #3PP content (designers, writers, editors, graphic designers, proofreaders, artists, etc.) and telling the 3PP company, “you pay us first”. They really do just want to force 3PPs out of business because they certainly aren’t going to put all of those people on the Hasbro/WotC payroll.
#ogl11 #revenue #profit #hasbro #wotc #3pp
The OGL. There's so much fear, uncertainety and doubt right now. People are spreading rumours and speculating wildly, others boosting this like wildfire. This is the kind of crap that always made me hate Twitter. Stop it!
Read the licence for a minute! Think! Read what the architects of that licence wrote before, explaining it all. If your wages depends on it, get real legal advice!
I have unfollowed everyone spreading FUD, for the time being.
#ogl11 #ttrg
Seriously - at this point, they could come out with a new version of Planescape with new artwork from Tony DiTerlizzi, or a new Dark Sun with fresh Brom art, and I'd still tell them where they can stick it. I don't care if it's good - it's poison now.
They can't take my existing books, and I'll still finish my existing campaigns, but anything new is likely to be under different games. #ogl #OneDnD #ogl11 #BoycottWizards
#ogl #onednd #ogl11 #boycottwizards