Oglaf is crowdfunding its fourth compilation book. It's a great raunchy webcomic, and the third book came with lots of witty stickers, so I heartily recommend it
#oglaf #webcomic #crowdfunding
A reminder that the fourth volume of #Oglaf is ramping up on #Topatoco
If you don't know Oglaf it's an adult web comic www.oglaf.com that some of us enjoy immensely but some of us have a weird sense of humor and don't mind having books on the shelf that are not for general consumption! Well "general" depends on your friends and what they like but ANYWAY, reserve this book so they have enough money to make it so that I can get my copy!!
Also here's a fun wilderness hexcrawl.
#oglaf #ttrpg #dnd #osr
I see something that would be funny with an Oglaf comic I remember. I spend 30 minutes looking thru the non-text-based archive page, popping open likely (but incorrect) comics. Ha ha, penises & tits.
Finally find the comic I wanted. Forget why I wanted it.
This week's two-pager #Oglaf nails a recurring theme of the #BugmotherBroodcast. In the best way possible.
Another nice one from one of my favorite webcomics. (Safe for Work--note however that many Oglaf comics are NSFW!)
#Oglaf #WebComics
Are there any other #Oglaf fans in the #bookstodon universe? Also, the authors Patreon suggested that book four is being built as we speak!!!
@bedtimedrillsgt @igushcomputers @oglaf Cumpy, have you seen this week's #oglaf?
I, too, find Oglaf often inspirational, but I'm sorry to say that it might not always be the ideal archetype on which to base one's sex life. ๐
I have sought the sixth way...
Find: ^;([\w]+)\r([\s\S]+?)\(([\s\S]+?)\)$
Replace: ;\1\r\2\r;\1\-stdcontents\r1,\3
#regex #madness #thesixthway #oglaf #ragtime
Given the intrigue involved in many fantasy books, this seems legit.
#oglaf #academia #fantasy #magic
This sounds about right. Everybody who ever said that the Potterverse was SO original and brilliantly constructed made me think something like this.
Warning: Oglaf comics are AWESOME but many of them include nudity and sex. This one does not, but be careful about visiting the site if you're at work.