Today in Labor History February 27, 1973: 300 Oglala Sioux activists from the American Indian Movement (AIM) liberated and occupied Wounded Knee, South Dakota. This was the site of the infamous Massacre at Wounded Knee (1890). They occupied the site to protest a campaign of terror against them by the FBI and tribal officials
#aim #indigenous #WoundedKnee #massacre #genocide #occupation #fbi #oglala #sioux
#aim #indigenous #woundedknee #massacre #genocide #occupation #fbi #oglala #sioux
#EAS for Fall River, ##SD; ##Oglala Lakota, ##SD: National Weather Service: Snow Squall Warning until 2:00 PM MST. Slow down or delay travel! Be ready for a sudden drop to near zero visibility and icy roads in heavy snow. ***EXPERIMENTAL***EXPERIMENTAL*** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES *EXPERIMENTAL*
Wichita State player Isaiah Poor Bear-Chandler calls out CBS broadcasters who made jokes about his name #nativepeoples #Oglala #indigenous #basketball
#nativepeoples #oglala #indigenous #basketball