#EAS for Boone, ##IL; ##De Kalb, ##IL; ##McHenry, ##IL; ##Ogle, ##IL; ##Winnebago, ##IL: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:30 PM CDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Chicago IL** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES
#EAS #il #de #mchenry #ogle #winnebago #tornado
#EAS for Boone, #IL; #De Kalb, #IL; #McHenry, #IL; #Ogle, #IL; #Winnebago, #IL: #Tornado Warning issued March 31 at 7:23PM CDT until March 31 at 8:30PM CDT by NWS Chicago IL Source: NWS Chicago IL** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
#EAS #il #de #mchenry #ogle #winnebago #tornado
#EAS for De Kalb, ##IL; ##Lee, ##IL; ##Ogle, ##IL: National Weather Service: #TORNADO WARNING in this area until 8:00 PM CDT. Take shelter now in a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor of a sturdy building. If you are outdoors, in a mobile home, or in a vehicle, move to the closest substantial shelter and protect yourself from flying debris. Check media. Source: NWS Chicago IL** DO NOT RELY ON THIS FEED FOR LIFE SAFETY, SEEK OUT OFFICIAL SOURCES ***
Bugün günüm harikaydı! Sabah güneşli bir havayla uyandım ve enerji doluydum. Yogaya katıldım ve sonra biraz iş yaptım. Öğle yemeğinde arkadaşlarımla buluştum ve lezzetli bir yemek yedik. Şimdi işimin geri kalanını yapmaya hazırım. Herkese harika bir gün diliyorum! #mutlu #enerjik #keyifli #gün #yoga #iş #arkadaşlar #lezzetli #öğle #yemek #işiştirahat #motivasyon
#mutlu #enerjik #keyifli #gun #yoga #is #arkadaslar #lezzetli #ogle #yemek #isistirahat #motivasyon
finally, the arms of #Ogle. Jane Ogle, descended from a line that moved to colonial Maryland, married into the Links after a few generations in the US.
White House Says GOP Bill Would Force 'One of the Biggest Medicare Benefit Cuts' in US History
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"House Republicans are trying to slash lifelines for middle-class families on behalf of rich special interests," said a White House spokesperson.
The White House on Saturday...
#gop #rerpublicans #ogle #tennesse #medicare #medicaid #insulin #supercut
#gop #rerpublicans #ogle #tennesse #medicare #medicaid #insulin #supercut
#Ogle #WoodfordHalse
#TheAdvisoryCircle #cafekaput #LoRecordings
#BoozooBajou #woodchamber
#MassimoEMassimo #SuperspectrumMusicLibrary
#Suryummy #ctatsupurr
#Caribou #CitySlang
#KILN #ghostlyInternational
#TheHarmonySociety #ATARecords
#ogle #woodfordhalse #ninjoibeats #Stellarays #sphontik #belburypoly #thetwelvehourfoundation #theadvisorycircle #CafeKaput #lorecordings #boozoobajou #woodchamber #okinawalifestyle #stevecobby #MassimoEMassimo #superspectrummusiclibrary #sebastientellier #suryummy #ctatsupurr #billycole #anotherfineday #TheBadPlus #caribou #cityslang #kiln #ghostlyinternational #theharmonysociety #atarecords #modulgeek #carmenvillain #zero7 #newstatemusic #eruschav
My video about sexual harassment, creepiness, and bullying.
It starts out slow, but gets much better.
#Bullying #Gross #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #lifeguard #beach #baywatch #weak #awkward #Ogle #horny #lecherous #creep #creepy #harassment #stalking #stalker #SexualHarassment
#ew #SexPhobia #harassment #bullying #lifeguard #beach #baywatch #sexualharassment #powerimbalance #ogle #horny #lecherous #creep #powerdynamics #puritan #PuritanRevival #weak #awkward #creepy #gross #taboo #stalking #stalker
Bullying is real. It's pervasive. and it's horrible.
Sometimes it hides behind innocent phrases like "OMG! That's so creepy!"
(this video is 24 minutes long. sorry. I think it's worth it tho')
#Bullying #Gross #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #Taboo #xp #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #lifeguard #beach #baywatch #weak #awkward #Ogle #horny #lecherous #creep #creepy #harassment #stalking #stalker #SexualHarassment
#horny #bullying #gross #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #baywatch #weak #awkward #ogle #ew #taboo #xp #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #lifeguard #beach #creepy #harassment #stalker #lecherous #creep #stalking #sexualharassment
Bullying is real. It's pervasive. and it's horrible.
Sometimes it hides behind innocent phrases like "OMG! That's so creepy!"
(this video is 24 minutes long. sorry. I think it's worth it tho')
#Bullying #Gross #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #lifeguard #beach #baywatch #weak #awkward #Ogle #horny #lecherous #creep #creepy #harassment #stalking #stalker #SexualHarassment
#gross #lecherous #creep #creepy #harassment #stalker #sexualharassment #bullying #ew #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #lifeguard #beach #baywatch #weak #awkward #ogle #horny #stalking
【新潟県謡曲古跡めぐり中越編】5箇所目 番外編その2
《 中魚沼郡津南町秋成 》
見玉山(みだまさん)正宝院(見玉不動尊)町内の見玉にある、天台宗の寺。その由来は、文治元年、壇の浦の合戦で平家が滅びた翌文治二年、平清盛の家臣宮本清左ェ門がお告げによって平家の守護神である不動明王を奉持して見玉村にいたって安置し、自ら初代住職となって正宝院が誕生。したがって本尊は不動明王で、像の裏に「清盛内知見」の文字があったと伝えられる。 文政五年、伽藍四棟及び平清盛願文を焼失しましたが、本尊・不動明王は火災より何をのがれました
#能楽 #能 #Noh #申楽 #猿楽 #狂言 #風姿花伝 #世阿弥 #芸術論 #幽玄 #歌舞劇 #演劇 #能面 #マスク #文化 #旅行 #トラベル #名所旧跡 #神社 #寺院 #像 #碑 #巡礼 #古跡 #謡曲 #新潟 #中越 #伝統 #Travel #GoTo #ruins #wreckage #Buddhist #image #statue #ogle #eye #heal #仏像 #サムライ #侍 #仏像 #目 #眼 #病気 #治癒
#治癒 #病気 #眼 #目 #侍 #サムライ #仏像 #heal #eye #ogle #statue #image #buddhist #wreckage #ruins #goto #travel #伝統 #中越 #新潟 #謡曲 #古跡 #巡礼 #碑 #像 #寺院 #神社 #名所旧跡 #トラベル #旅行 #文化 #マスク #能面 #演劇 #歌舞劇 #幽玄 #芸術論 #世阿弥 #風姿花伝 #狂言 #猿楽 #申楽 #noh #能 #能楽