Rep. Ogles Files Bill to Defund Jack Smith’s Salary #ogles #jacksmith #defund
What did Congressman #AndyOgles do with nearly $25,000 meant for child burial garden? He won't say. #Ogles used photo of stillborn child in 2014 for GoFundMe, promising a place for burial of babies with benches for families, life-size statue of Jesus. It never happened, but he kept the money. #GOP #USPol
'Rep. Andrew #Ogles (R-Tenn.), acknowledged Monday that he misstated the degree he received from Middle Tennessee State U, claiming he learned of the discrepancy only last week after requesting an official copy of his transcript. Ogles said he mistakenly stated that he received a degree in international relations. Monday, he said his degree was for liberal studies. That is a general education degree typically for those who cannot settle on a major.'
Rep. Andrew #Ogles (R-Tenn.), who is facing allegations of embellishing his résumé, acknowledged Monday that he misstated the degree he received from Middle Tennessee State University, claiming he learned of the discrepancy only last week after requesting an official copy of his transcript.
"Nashville television station WTVF has reported on a wider range of misrepresentations by Ogles about his background, including calling himself an “economist” when, in fact, he took only one community college economics course that he barely passed. " #ogles #TN5 #Tennessee #GOP #GOPgrifters
#gopgrifters #gop #tennessee #tn5 #ogles
"Oooh, I forgot": Embattled Rep. Ogles acknowledges misrepresenting his college major Rep. Andrew Ogles (R-Tenn.) REPUBLICAN of course. #ogles #TN #nashville #grifter #gop #gopgrifters
#gopgrifters #gop #grifter #Nashville #tn #ogles
GOP Rep. Andy #Ogles claimed to fight international sex crimes and be an economic expert. Like George #Santos, his real resume tells another story.
‟George Santos isn't the only phony in Congress — meet Rep. Andy Ogles (TN), whoever he is” #GOP #Santos #Ogles
Yet another Republican faces difficult questions about tall tales
#Santos is in league of his own…WaPo reported about another 1st-year House Republican, #Florida’s Anna Paulina #Luna, & degree to which claims about her background have also been called into ques.
CBS affiliate in Nashville raised related questions about yet another 1st-year House Republican, Andy #Ogles