Argh, again on #OGWN the royalists’ so-called ‘gotcha’ is slapped down: “who wants an elected President B Johnson?” In a parliamentary system, the symbolic Head of State has no political power and there’s no bloody reason to make them elected ffs! Follow the example of Germany or Canada and have them appointed by consensus! Don’t make me go on Twitter and @ @iandunt 😩
@SturdyAlex @snellarthur re your #OGWN discussion about Cummings, wasn’t he rejected for the Fast Stream? Which gives us all the context we need.
@snellarthur @SturdyAlex Fully agree with Arthur’s analysis of Georgian food, landscape, wine, history, only partly agree with his analysis of Georgian politics. Here, have a photo of me tweeting disrespectfully in the Georgian parliament 😅 #OGWN
Ready to take my place alongside the other members of the anti-growth coalition #OGWN #OhGodWhatNow
Sorry to be that guy but it’s not true that “a little over half the population were really into #Brexit for a while” (Ahir on #OGWN) - at its peak, around a third tops of the population flirted with the notion for a variety of reasons, often nothing to do with the EU & everything to do with giving Cameron a kicking. Let’s bust this pernicious myth.
.@snellarthur @SturdyAlex Listening to the interesting discussion on #OGWN. Have seen at close hand the a #bullying that can exist in civil service and where fragile egos are given too much power, my heart goes out to #Raab’s victims. That said, two of the most respectful and courteous political bosses I’ve worked with were Tory junior ministers at the Foreign Office: Alastair Burt & David Lidington.
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🎄 It wouldn't be Christmas without the #OGWN Christmas show 🎄 We're LIVE at London on Mon 12 Dec with & on another "interesting" year.
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🎄 It wouldn't be Christmas without the #OGWN Christmas show 🎄 We're LIVE at London on Mon 12 Dec with & on another "interesting" year.
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