#FBF 12 years ago we demonstrated plays inspired by Japanese theatrical tradition of kyōgen at Ohayocon! #FlashBackFriday
In jus over a week we return to another anime convention for more "Mad Words" at Zipcon!
#kyogen #JapaneseTheater #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #comedy #farce #Ohayocon #Zipcon #AnimeConvention #AnimeCon
#fbf #flashbackfriday #kyogen #japanesetheater #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #comedy #farce #ohayocon #zipcon #animeconvention #animecon
Ohayocon was last weekend. #TBT when we brought "The {Other} Phantasmagorical Contraptions of Dr. A. P. Pliance" series of steampunk parody shorts (inspired by Japanese kyōgen and commedia dell'arte) to Ohio's long running anime convention in 2011! #ThrowBackThurday
#improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #comedy #farce #steampunk #NeoVic #NeoVictorian #parody #Ohayocon #AnimeConvention #AnimeCon
#tbt #throwbackthurday #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #comedy #farce #steampunk #neovic #neovictorian #parody #ohayocon #animeconvention #animecon
Last shiny from #ohayocon today, a full set of elder futhark runes in the shape of acorns cast out of bronze by https://www.pirateartisans.com/. Leave it up to me to go to an anime convention and ending up buying #Pagan trinkets. I'm _super_ excited to do some readings with these ^_^
Another goodie I picked up from #ohayocon - a leather sporran made by http://crimsonchainleatherworks.com/
First pick up from #ohayocon was from Japanime Games (https://japanimegames.com/), a starter pack featuring Norse and Greek deities and an expansion pack featuring Celtic deities of the Kamigami card game. I have no idea how to play it but I liked the artwork. Bonus points that it features Norse and Celtic deities :)
I am fairly disappointed this year. Attending #ohayocon and wasn't even sure I was going to attend anyways due to issues. Seems to be a lot more lax on masking this year. Last year they were solid and I could count on one hand how many I saw without. Now I'm seeing maybe half the attendees masked.
Thankfully I stocked up on KN95s beforehand but will definitely be getting tested after.
#ohayocon #convention #conventions
#ohayocon day 1 report: worked until 5, actually got done with work around 6. Got down to the convention center a bit before 7 to be greeted by a badge pickup line wrapping down the convention center and back. Fuck that, went across the street for a beer.
Afterwards, line was better, got my badge at 8:03. Dealer room closed at 8. FUCK.
Wandered around a bit trying to find something interesting, failed miserably, left to hit up a bar to close out the night.
Thus far..... Not great.
I haven't been to #Ohayocon since 2012 and Lover decided out of the blue this year that he wants to go!!
We plan to only really be there on Sunday but still I'm so excited lol
Hmmm, checked Reddit for the local updates / weather and noticed that #Ohayocon https://ohayocon.org/ is going to be this weekend. $80 to hang out with a bunch of folks in cosplay or stay inside and play ARK... hmm, decisions decisions.