Sune Auken · @SuneAuken
2683 followers · 2263 posts · Server

I absolutely love this video. Tim Blake Nelson performed "In the Jailhouse now" in the movie "Oh Brother, where art thou?", but he did it in the role of a fool and the performance mirrored that. Here he is demonstrating that he can do the song and be cool AF while doing it. Still light-hearted but a very different kind of light-hearted.

#ohbrotherwhereartthou #timblakenelson #inthejailhousenow #soggybottomboys

Last updated 2 years ago

Earth To Ria 🛸 · @EarthToRia
436 followers · 249 posts · Server
Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
495 followers · 2953 posts · Server


- is very quirky and fun (a Coen Brothers Movie)

The remake of is a teen drama with diversity (not heavy going imo)

animated but entertaining if you like that sort of thing for a change

is funny fluff (sometimes crude in a not bad way)

worth the occasional watch for a laugh

- a regency costume drama with a twist - running visual gags and other features that set it apart from the pack

#ohbrotherwhereartthou #heartbreakhigh #backtotheoutback #badmoms #Malcolm #Bridgerton

Last updated 2 years ago