We all know the only reason Gym Jordan is in the House is because his district was drawn in such a way as to encompass the most people stupid enough to vote for him.
I fully understand that the law only works if people abide by it, but in the case of Gym Jordan & the rest of those fu@king RepubliQan treason weezels on the House GQP Judiciary Cmte, they should be not just ignored but mocked & ridiculed.
A guy for whom subpoenas mean nothing should not be now himself handing them out like Halloween candy & expecting anything other than exactly what he did.
I hope the lawyers for the schools drag this out for, say, two years.
Tomorrow, the new Congress will be sworn in.
People like these two want leadershp posts. They'll probably get them, unworthy though they are.
Dems should be in no hurry to cooperate with any subpoenas Gym may send them. Don't refuse, like they did, just take your time responding.
You have the next two years to give them what they want.