Check out this🧵about #OhioTrainDisaster refers to rail workers last fall advocating work stoppages to address disaster potential and working conditions. #OhioChernobyl Via @sidereal
#ohiotraindisaster #ohiochernobyl
Buttigeig Shrugs and Joy Behar Blames Toxic Disaster on Ohio 🔥🛢️☠️
#JoyBehar #OhioChernobyl #OhioTrainDisaster
#joybehar #ohiochernobyl #ohiotraindisaster Standing on a mound of dirt within sight of the charred remains of several railway cars from the derailment, Mr Hamner likened the incident to Chernobyl, an April 1986 nuclear accident in then-Soviet Ukraine. #OhioCoverup #ohiobribery #MikeDeWineCorruption #OhioTrainDerailmentMEWS #Environmental #OhioChernobyl
#ohiocoverup #ohiobribery #mikedewinecorruption #ohiotrainderailmentmews #environmental #ohiochernobyl
RT @DrEricDing
18) And hell yes the rail companies like Norfolk Southern are responsible - they actively lobbied to block safety rules around new brake requirements. @nscorp executives and lobbyists have blood 🩸 on their hands.
#OhioChernobyl #OhioTrainDisaster
#ohiochernobyl #ohiotraindisaster
Ohio is facing a chemical disaster. Biden is still not declaring a stage of emergency!
Is EPA trying to cover up a massive environmental disaster?
Here is what we know so far...
"Qui sembra Chernobyl", questo è ciò che dicono gli abitanti di East Palestine, Ohio, dopo l'incidente ferroviario accaduto il 3 febbraio che ha causato la combustione di sostanze altamente tossiche, ma di cui nessuno parla #Ohio #OhioChernobyl
Pete Buttigieg has food samples tested in Ohio and they are safe to eat. We know this because the test llamas refuse to eat them. #OhioChernobyl #PeteButtigieg #EPA 🔥☠️🛢️
#ohiochernobyl #petebuttigieg #epa
You eat the bad fish Pete Buttigieg, eat the bad fish! #OhioChernobyl #PeteButtigieg #MayorPete
#ohiochernobyl #petebuttigieg #mayorpete
I am so fucking sick of these scumbag #GQP members of Congress questioning shit they fucked up with #trump!! You and trump rolled back regulations on our railways not Biden! #honesty is key and #republicans only know how to lie! #RepublicansLIE #politics #ohio #OhioChernobyl #deregulation
#gqp #trump #honesty #republicans #republicanslie #politics #ohio #ohiochernobyl #deregulation
East Palestine, Ohio #eastpalestine ... The town that has become a toxic cesspool, where profits matter more than people, animals and the environment do!
This is America 🇺🇸!
#eastpalestine #norfolksouthern #ohio #ohiotraindisaster #ohiochernobyl
RT @StrictlyChristo
Passenger plane photo of smoke from the chemical fire in East Palestine, Ohio.
This is the risk they are willing to take to protect their profit margins. But, they’ve socialized the risk and privatized the rewards.
This is crony capitalism. It needs to die. #OhioChernobyl
RT @StrictlyChristo
Norfolk Southern is the company responsible for the Ohio train derailment and resulting ecological disaster. It is led by people who should all be held accountable for prioritizing profits over safety. This is Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors. #OhioChernobyl
Tucker speaks to a business owner in East Palestine, OH who says she was asked to sign a waiver promising not to take legal action against agencies monitoring air near her property: "I'm not a lawyer but I did not want to risk anything for my future by signing this contract."
Railroad Workers United had described the #OhioChernobyl derailment as a "19th century-style mechanical failure of the axle on one of the cars (an overheated bearing). In the 21st century, it's a combination of incompetence and disregard to public safety."
Inspiegabile il silenzio attorno al deragliamento del treno che trasportava sostanze tossiche in
Circolano diverse notizie, la maggior parte da privati cittadini, che mostrano video di animali morti, fiumi con pesci morti, forti odori chimici e acqua portata ad ebollizione che schiuma
Notizie ufficiali poco o nulla.
Assurdo considerando che quella zona è una delle più produttive dal punto di vista alimentare.
#ohio #ohiochernobyl #disastroambientale
Jeg synes det har vært vanskelig å få en god og saklig oversikt over togkatastrofen i East Palestine, Ohio.
Det krangles om skyld mellom forrige og nåværende regjering, det er ansvarsfraskrivelser fra industrien, og ikke minst er fagforeningene på hugget med "Hva var det vi sa?" (Og det med god grunn!)
Miljøkonsekvensene er heftige.
#PeteButtigieg har mistet en stjerne hos meg.🤷♀️
Noen hashtags for den som vil nøste selv:
#NorfolkSouthern #Railroad #Derailment #ChemicalSpill #Ohio
#petebuttigieg #ohiochernobyl #norfolksouthern #railroad #derailment #chemicalspill #ohio
RT by @Anais_Tea_: 🔥 Un témoignage précis sur la situation réelle à East Palestine dans l’Ohio que l’ensemble des merdias cache.
👉A relayer un max. #OhioChernobyl #EastPalestine @france_soir @Anais_Tea_ @silvano_trotta @Poulin2012
From Erin Brockovich re East Palestine OH & beyond: #trainderailment #disaster #crisis #ohiochernobyl #listening #ohio
#trainderailment #disaster #crisis #ohiochernobyl #listening #ohio
RT @SabinevomBus
In #Ohio ist eine riesige Katastrophe passiert! Hat das jemand mitbekommen? Viele Menschen wurden evakuiert und man spricht von extremen Giftstoffen die in riesigen Umkreis ausgeschüttet wurden, weil anscheinend ein Zugunfall war
#OhioToxicCloud #OhioChernobyl #OhioTrainDisaster
#ohio #ohiotoxiccloud #ohiochernobyl #ohiotraindisaster
RT @ThatSadCat3
Ohio Trains Explosion Effects EVERYONE
Everything along this pathway will experience one of the world worst carcinogens on the planet. 100 mile radius is reporting mass animal die offs.
This wasn’t negligence. This was intentional #OhioChernobyl #OhioTrainDisaster READ. MORE…
#ohiochernobyl #ohiotraindisaster