Just so the international media know, in #Ohio, the city of Lima is pronounced to rhyme with lime ah. It’s Ohio folks, where Scioto is pronounced sigh oh tah and Olentangy is pronounced oh len tan gie. (I could go on 🫨🫨) Local trivia you never wanted to know. #OhioIssue1
It's not just for #Texas any more.
#LGBTQ #cartoon #DontSayGay #Florida #Arkansas #OhioIssue1
#texas #lgbtq #cartoon #dontsaygay #florida #arkansas #ohioissue1
Hey #Ohio. This guy, Frank LaRose, is a delusional MAGA Moron. Sharrod Brown has only been a part of the federal government since 1993. That’s 30 years. Not 50. No wonder LaRose supported #ohioissue1. He also thinks government should stay out of education but be smack in the middle of it. 🤦♂️ Typical Repub-I-Can’t.
This week seems to be racking up political Ws, from Issue 1 being defeated in Ohio (which I did some phonebanking for), to a pro-trans ruling (also in Ohio), Trump potentially being indicted AGAIN, and VFX artists forming a union in Hollywood. If you like how any of that sounds or if you like Mario Kart Wii, come watch!
#mariokart #mario #twitch #politics #gaming #trump #trumpindictment #ohio #ohioissue1
#ohioissue1 #ohio #trumpindictment #Trump #gaming #politics #Twitch #mario #mariokart
"Final" tally on #ohioissue1. #republicansaretheproblem #republicansarethenewtaliban #AbortionIsAHumanRight
#ohioissue1 #republicansaretheproblem #republicansarethenewtaliban #abortionisahumanright
And the Republican's dirty trick to try and move the goalposts right before the November Constitutional Abortion Amendment vote just bit the dust!
#ohioissue1 #abortion #abortionrights #DobbsDecision
Still an Ohio ex-pat. Doubt I will ever move back, but proud of my buckeyes for kicking some fascist GOP a$$ today. #ohioissue1 #FtheGOP
This is what victory looks like. #politics #ohio #issue1 #ohioelection #ohioissue1 #republicans #democrats #election #womenshealth #womensrights #abortionishealthcare
#politics #ohio #issue1 #ohioelection #ohioissue1 #republicans #democrats #election #womenshealth #womensrights #AbortionIsHealthcare
#OhioIssue1 fails
Majority rule prevails
"COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohioans struck down a controversial ballot proposal to take away simple majority rule in Tuesday’s special election....With about 36% of votes counted, Vote No has an overwhelming 62% majority of the vote compared to 38% for Vote Yes, according to unofficial results. The Associated Press's election trackers called the race for Vote No at about 8:53 p.m." #Ohio #SpecialElection
#SpecialElection #Ohio #ohioissue1
Dave Wasserman, @/redistrict, has seen enough. #OhioIssue1 fails.
DecisionDeskQH has called #Issue1: NO.
Screenshots from The Bird, and DecisionDeskHQ https://decisiondeskhq.com/election-results-ohio-issue-1-and-the-mississippi-primary/
With 27% of the votes for Ohio Issue 1 counted, the number of No votes is 68% to 32% Yes votes.
Never realized till just tonight the ambiguity of the headline “polls close in vote”: “close” could be a verb or an adjective. The polls are in fact closed, and it’s not looking close. #ohioissue1
Early results on today's Ohio Issue 1 election.
Wow, it's really early and Dave Wasserman has seen enough. Ohio Issue 1 is defeated. #OhioIssue1
In today’s election in #Ohio, just because there is no option to vote hell no on #OhioIssue1, you can still vote no like I did.
@scalzi For visibility, please use these and other hashtags #Ohio #OhioIssue1
#Ohio don't forget to vote today on #OhioIssue1! Your NO vote is urgently needed so #WomensRights can be restored in the state.
And be aware of the other efforts going on in the courts to continue the oppression of women.
#ohio #ohioissue1 #womensrights #abortionrights