Friendly reminder that it was Trump’s policies (or rather, revoking of protections) that allowed this environmental and health catastrophe to happen in the first place. #OhioRiverPlume
odds that the goal of their *controlled burn* was to destroy evidence that could have been legally used against them later? #EastPalestine #OhioTrainDisaster #Ohio #OhioRiverPlume #NorfolkSouthernDerailment #EPA #FireSecretaryPete
RT @nscorp
CEO Alan Shaw’s letter to the East Palestine community: “I know you have questions about whether Norfolk Southern will be here to help make things right...We are here and will stay here for as long …
#eastpalestine #ohiotraindisaster #ohio #ohioriverplume #norfolksouthernderailment #epa #firesecretarypete