This morning the place where I'm staying had a huge plum in the fruit bowl at breakfast. I don't mean your regular "gosh, that's big"-size, I mean "wait, that's not an apple?"-size.
It was perfectly ripe and tasted delicious. Now that's it's already gone have I realised that I should have taken a picture of it, used another plum for scale, and created am amazing meme to demonstrate its size: "Oh lawd, he plummin...".
Alas, this one was not to be...
my brain is being a butt, today.
but I animated a cute cat? so... that's something nice. Currently just a rough idea, but I like the direction it's going in.
I hope this round friend gives someone else a smile, today.
#PixelArt #PixelAnimation #PixelSprite #AnimatedCat #OhLawdHeComin #Creechur
#creechur #ohlawdhecomin #animatedcat #pixelsprite #pixelanimation #PixelArt
The Avocado Squirrel in it's natural habitat.
#Squirrel #FoxSquirrel #Chonk #HeckinChonk #OhLawdHeComin
#squirrel #foxsquirrel #chonk #heckinchonk #ohlawdhecomin