26 Days Past Christmas 2022 – O Holy Night
Welcome to the 2022 edition of the Geek Alabama Christmas Countdown. We are now past Christmas Day, but we know how popular Christmas songs are. Geek Alabama will
#ChristmasSeasonStuff #christmas #ChristmasCountdown #ChristmasCountdown2022 #christmasmusic #ChristmasMusicCountdown #ChristmasSongs #GeekAlabamaChristmas #GeekAlabamaChristmas2022 #MariahCarey #OHolyNight
#christmasseasonstuff #christmas #christmascountdown #christmascountdown2022 #christmasmusic #christmasmusiccountdown #christmassongs #geekalabamachristmas #geekalabamachristmas2022 #mariahcarey #oholynight
A certain priest gave a homily on this carol last night. Me. I’m the priest. #OHolyNight
RT @rmnetwork@twitter.com
From all of us at Reconciling Ministries Network: we wish you a Christmas full of the joy and love of God.
#faithfullylgbt #lgbtq #umc #unitedmethodist
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rmnetwork/status/1607014322101800961
#oholynight #faithfullylgbt #lgbtq #umc #unitedmethodist
This is beautiful: Samara Joy singing it straight with her father, Antonio McLendon. Happy holidays!
#jazz #oholynight #antoniomclendon #samarajoy #christmasmusic
#jazz #oholynight #antoniomclendon #samarajoy #christmasmusic
If you don’t know about Wynonna’s incredible version of “O Holy Night,” well… now you do https://open.spotify.com/track/5XyO4iFc0Hy49W7OnunJ9i?si=jIp26-KQSI6PdXkSDANbpA&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A47O6B3FofuGBDmYB4xh03o #ChristmasMusic #OHolyNight
#ColoradoChristmas by #NittyGrittyDirtBand
#AnAngelCameDown by #TransSiberianOrchestra
#GodRestYeMerryGentlemen by #BareNakedLadies
#MeleKalikimaka by #JimmyBuffett
#Christmas #ChristmasEve #ChristmasSongs ChristmasTraditions
#7christmassongstoknowme #coloradochristmas #nittygrittydirtband #oholynight #joshgroban #anangelcamedown #transsiberianorchestra #godrestyemerrygentlemen #barenakedladies #runrudolphrun #chuckberry #sleighride #jimnabors #melekalikimaka #jimmybuffett #christmas #christmaseve #christmassongs
One of my favorite recordings of “O Holy Night” is free to download from SoundCloud. Artist is independent. Arrangement and backup are his own. Includes controversial and often-omitted verse:
“Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.”
#OHolyNight #ChristmasCarols #LiberationTheology #Freedom #Emancipation
#emancipation #freedom #LiberationTheology #christmascarols #oholynight
Love the christmass Music <3
#davidphelps #christmas #christian #oholynight
O Holy Night — one of the best versions ever IMHO. This version has *all* the verses. The artist is independent but very talented. Arrangement is his, and the backup is him. Beautiful voice, interesting arrangement, free download at SoundCloud. #OHolyNight #ChristmasCarols
@BarbaraEdwards o holy night starts Christmas every year. Wonderful rendition and performance by your daughter. Rightly proud. Really enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing. #oHolyNight #mastodaoine #Christmas
#oholynight #mastodaoine #christmas
So back in 2016 the #Christmas before her Leaving Cert my girl performed #OHolyNight with a local choir. So feck it, I'm sharing it here all these years later. Unfortunately it's on FB and I don't own the recording - cos I was so emotional listening to her I couldn't record lol but sure hopefully some of you might enjoy it https://fb.watch/hxRfH6dzOU/
BREAKING: The Council of Christmas declares O Holy Night as sung by an Anglican boys choir to be the best Christmas song of all time, and threatens that anyone denying this fact may be subject to Christmas excommunication
#christmas #christmascarol #ChristmasSeason #oholynight #music #musicnews #choir #songs
#christmas #oholynight #music #musicnews #choir #christmascarol #ChristmasSeason #songs
BREAKING: The Council of Christmas declares O Holy Night as sung by an Anglican boys choir to be the best Christmas song of all time, and threatens that anyone denying this fact may be subject to Christmas excommunication
#christmas #christmascarol #ChristmasSeason #oholynight #music #musicnews #choir #songs
#christmas #oholynight #music #musicnews #choir #christmascarol #ChristmasSeason #songs
Las joyas que hay en youtube de Mariah Carey son verdaderas maravillas. Hoy han publicado #OHolyNight con una nueva mezcla con instrumentos y voces adicionales extraídas del master de la grabación original que es delicatessen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1ZPJByjXAU
I'm a bit (very) cynical about twee Christmas songs, and not at all religious, so surprised to find myself so moved by a new version of an old carol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PdZGY_JDnQ
#BenCaplan #OHolyNight
I'm a bit (very) cynical about twee Christmas songs, and not at all religious, so surprised to find myself so moved by a new version of an old carol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PdZGY_JDnQ
#BenCaplan #OHolyNight
@Denes Maybe this one, but it's new to me so will it sound as good after a few (thousand) plays?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PdZGY_JDnQ #BenCaplan #OHolyNight
#FloorJansen - #OiJouluyö (#OHolyNight) 🎶 #RaskastaJoulua (#HeavyChristmas) 2016 🎶 Remastered #Goddess #Valkyrie
#floorjansen #oijouluyo #oholynight #raskastajoulua #heavychristmas #goddess #valkyrie
My meditative, & slightly psychedelic, version of #OHolyNight is out now! Listen as I sing this beautiful song through the static of my faith struggles.
LISTEN HERE: jdewveall.ffm.to/oholynight
@americana @musodon #americanamusic #christmasmusic #deconstructingchristianity #newmusic
#oholynight #americanamusic #christmasmusic #deconstructingchristianity #newmusic
It is official…I can’t sing. 😳
Yep, it’s that time of year to pull out a classic. Enjoy “O Holy Night” with the volume up to 10!!
#Christmas #Carols #LipSync #Comedy #OHolyNight
#christmas #carols #lipsync #comedy #oholynight