Slo på tråden til #175 i dag. Vart møtt med melding om at det var stor #trafikk. #ohtheirony
America’s most mendacious misanthrope has his own social media platform. He named it “Truth Social.”
#YouCantMakeThisShitUp #OhTheIrony #CognitiveDissonance #DonaldTrump #TruthSocial #MendacityMisanthropic
#mendacitymisanthropic #TruthSocial #DonaldTrump #cognitivedissonance #ohtheirony #youcantmakethisshitup
Trump named his social media platform “Truth Social.” If he wants to top that, he’ll have to dub himself “Health Handsome.”
#Trump #DonaldTrump #TruthSocial #OhTheIrony #SocialNetworking #SocialNotWorking #FalseAdvertising #lies #propaganda
#Propaganda #lies #falseadvertising #socialnotworking #socialnetworking #ohtheirony #TruthSocial #DonaldTrump #Trump
The Harvard Business Review doesn't usually do much more than summarize the author's coming book but this article is full of links to interesting things... which have been great for fueling my procrastination today. #ohtheirony
Cruising along in the #Bikelane in front of City Hall, had to break suddenly to avoid a black police SUV with “Crime Scene Unit” printed on the side emerging from a driveway. They never stopped, just kept rolling through.
I assumed they investigated crime scenes, but maybe they’re in the business of creating them, too? #ohtheirony
FYI. The role of Minister for Brexit Opportunities has been vacant since Sept 6th. The role was created by Boris Johnson in February 2020, and handed to Jacob Rees-Mogg in February 2022. After he resigned the role of Minister for Brexit Opportunities remains vacant. #Ohtheirony
Es gibt manche Dinge, die brauch ich einfach nicht. ZB. süße Rotweine!
Oh, ein Glühwein :)
#hypocracy #ohtheirony #Weihnachtsmarkt
#hypocracy #ohtheirony #Weihnachtsmarkt
@jason_burnett Let Elon not think that as Mr. Free Speech that it has gone unnoticed that the very tweets that caused Trump's suspension have been censored from the now-activated account. #OhTheIrony
@juh @IzzyOnDroid ...und Nutzerdaten ohne anständiges Opt-out in die Staaten verschachert.
Donald J. Trump
Sharyl Attkisson
Faceless Big Tech "fact checkers" disseminate false info, put their partisan opinions on studies & posts, & call it Truth. When asked who their gatekeepers are, they name "news" outlets responsible for some of the biggest disinformation of the past 4 yrs. #OhTheIrony RT @HiroProtagonist the rev ain't a stooge presented to the sheeples as a potential leader of the free world.
Kann'se Dir nicht ausdenken: Erst fliegt die #niemehrcdu mit massenhaften Urheberrechtsverletzungen auf - und jetzt klagt ausgerechnet die polnische Regierung für das Recht der Bürger auf Meinungsfreiheit :mastojoy:
Hab mal kurz dafür gesorgt, dass die CDU alle ihre raubkopierten Videos von ihrem Youtube-Kanal nehmen musste. wirkt. #ohtheirony
Hab mal kurz dafür gesorgt, dass die CDU alle ihre raubkopierten Videos von ihrem Youtube-Kanal nehmen musste. wirkt. #ohtheirony
Hab mal kurz dafür gesorgt, dass die CDU alle ihre raubkopierten Videos von ihrem Youtube-Kanal nehmen musste. wirkt. #ohtheirony
Hab mal kurz dafür gesorgt, dass die CDU alle ihre raubkopierten Videos von ihrem Youtube-Kanal nehmen musste. wirkt. #ohtheirony