Do you have those characters that on first watch of something you REALLY don't like, but then on a rewatch become one of your favorites?
For me? There are two that come to mind.
Kagura from Inuyasha gets introduced by murdering people and framing Inuyasha, then fights in every way she can to try to escape her abusive master and creator, even giving her "enemies" the weapons to defeat him. And 2nd time around, you see all of that pluck and desperate grasping to agency right away.
Oikawa from Haikyuu is my second “I hated you now I love you" character. He wears this veneer of smooth-talking unflappability, but underneath he's insecure and petty, worried people are going to see his flaws. Then we find out that Iwaizumi has always seen through that mask, and that Oikawa is unflappably loyal to his friend (and actually does want to help the genius Kageyama), and that underneath the fake is actually a petty bitch who is kind of adorable and hilarious.
I love Kagura, and I love Oikawa, but it took second watches to really SEE them.
#kagura #oikawa #haikyu #inuyasha #charactersigrewtolove