Paper alert: "Multiple dimensions of #biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate #herbivory in a montane #grassland" in #Oikos
Led by @fh, with @annaliisalaine
We used vegetation and herbivory data along an elevational gradient from our #CalandaBiodiversityExploratories to study how temperature driven changes in the #plant #community drives herbivory risks.
#biodiversity #herbivory #grassland #oikos #calandabiodiversityexploratories #plant #community
Paper alert: "Multiple dimensions of #biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate #herbivory in a montane #grassland" in #Oikos
Led by @fh, with @annaliisalaine We used vegetation and herbivory data along an elevational gradient from our #CalandaBiodiversityExploratories to study how temperature driven changes in the #plant #community drives herbivory risks.
#biodiversity #herbivory #grassland #oikos #calandabiodiversityexploratories #plant #community
Paper alert: "Multiple dimensions of #biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate #herbivory in a montane #grassland" in #Oikos
We used vegetation and herbivory data along an elevational gradient from our #CalandaBiodiversityExploratories to study how temperature driven changes in the #plant #community drives herbivory risks.
#biodiversity #herbivory #grassland #oikos #calandabiodiversityexploratories #plant #community
Paper alert: "Multiple dimensions of #biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate #herbivory in a montane #grassland" in #Oikos
#biodiversity #herbivory #grassland #oikos
Paper alert: "Multiple dimensions of #biodiversity mediate effects of temperature on invertebrate #herbivory in a montane #grassland" in #Oikos
#biodiversity #herbivory #grassland #oikos
RT @oikos_org: Kalla Fakta jämför invandringskritik med terrorism - Får svar på tal
Going to be tomorrow at the first #conference of the year: #Oikos Finland in Helsinki.
I'll talk about the effect of seed limitation on plant community richness and biomass, and how this effect changes with #nutrients, #warming and #herbivory 🦌
Very nice results from a #tundra #seedaddition experiment, with Elina Kaarlejärvi and Anu Eskelinen.
Looking forward!!
#conference #oikos #nutrients #warming #herbivory #tundra #seedaddition
Happy to be part of Swedish #Oikos meeting in Göteborg, great talks and discussions. Just now superb plenary by Isla Myers Smith about changes in #Arctic #biodiversity under global change.
El #fuego adelanta la reproducción sexual de los #pinos (#Pinus halepensis), según un estudio del #CSIC. En lugares con #incendios frecuentes los pinos comienzan a reproducirse.
Aplicación a la #restauración #forestal: el uso de #semillas de poblaciones con alta actividad de incendios aumentarían la #resiliencia del arbolado restaurado a la creciente frecuencia de incendios
Artículo original: | #Oikos
#IncendiosForestales #IIFF #ecologia
#ecologia #IIFF #incendiosforestales #oikos #resiliencia #semillas #forestal #restauracion #incendios #CSIC #pinus #pinos #fuego
New #metaanalysis out now in #Oikos led by @MarenPlankton on the effects of light limitation on marine primary producers.
We found high physiological adaptation potential to reduced light but overall negative growth and biomass responses. Clear scaling to percent remaining light allows using the results as predictive baseline for future coastal darkening.
#metaanalysis #oikos #planktonecologylab #hifmb
Inviting #preprint recommenders for @PeerCommunityIn has been a pretty frustrating experience so far. Almost zero acceptance emails despite countless invitations over the last couple of weeks and also a high number of completely unanswered emails. As subject editor at an established society journal (#Oikos) it feels much more demanding 😐
#peerreview #AcademicMastodon
#preprint #oikos #PeerReview #academicmastodon
Inviting #preprint recommenders for @PeerCommunityJournal has been a pretty frustrating experience so far. Almost zero acceptance emails despite countless invitations over the last couple of weeks and also a high number of completely unanswered emails. As subject editor at an established society journal (#Oikos) it feels much more demanding 😐
#peerreview #AcademicMastodon
#preprint #oikos #PeerReview #academicmastodon
#paper alert: "Intraspecific #trait #variability mediates the effect of #nitrogen addition and #warming on aboveground #productivity". Lead by Li Zhang, published in #Oikos with M. Huang, X. Liu, Y. Xiao, @FrancoiseCardou Y. Rong & S. Zhou (1/3)
#paper #trait #variability #nitrogen #warming #productivity #oikos
Enfumage & éléments de langage
Dans une vidéo présentée et perçue comme posée et bienveillante, Raquel Garrido « fait le point » sur l'affaire Adrien Quatennens qui déchire les militant.e.s de la #FI
Et c’est une belle opération d’enfumage politique…
#Quatennens #VSS #violencesfaitesauxfemmes #ViolencesCo
#fi #quatennens #vss #violencesfaitesauxfemmes #violencesco #demos #Nomos #oikos #polis #notes
The biannual Swedish #oikos meeting 2023 will take place in Gothenburg from January 31 to February 1st. The theme will be “Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Global Environmental Change”. 5 confirmed keynote speakers:
Helmut Hillebrand, University of Oldenburg
Isla Myers-Smith, University of Edinburgh
Ulrika Candolin, University of Helsinki
Sam Dupont, University of Gothenburg
Simon Creer, University of Bangor
Registration link available soon…#ecology #evolution #globalchange
#globalchange #evolution #ecology #oikos
Le lait végétal ne devrait pas être plus cher que le lait piqué au veau, je dis ça, je dis rien... #oikos #ActForClimate
RT @oikos_org: 🇧🇪 Ansök till konservativ konferens i Bryssel, Belgien
🇪🇺 Den 3e - 5e juni så anordnar EU-parlamentarikerna Charlie Weimers och Peter Kofod en nordisk ungdomskonferens i Bryssel.
Sista ansökningsdag 25/2.
À cause de mon histoire personnelle avec la #françafrique, ce modèle inique de prédation des ressources, des matières premières, des peuples, je me suis passionné pour la géopolitique, les ressources, l'énergie, l'histoire, l'économie…
J'ai tout plaqué il y a près de 20 ans pour essayer d'accompagner notre "civilisation" vers un changement de modèle (ce qu'aujou
#burnoutenvironnemental #françafrique #demos #kratos #Nomos #oikos #notes
Eh oui ! Ça crame de partout (regardez arriver la famine en Afrique de l'ouest), et pendant que les entreprises sortent la peinture verte, les États se chamaillent sur le niveau des promesses qu'ils ne respecteront de toutes façons pas.
J'allais utiliser une expression plus vulgaire (onsenb.....) parce que nettement plus précise sur le niveau du je m'enfoutisme, mais bon, on me dit dans
#onsenfou #Koinos #oikos #vitefait