Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
1972 followers · 5129 posts · Server zirk.us

Two years ago Gatik Ship Management owned just two , now its has 58 vessels.

How's it grown so fast?

Well if I tell you that over 75% of its cargo is oil avoiding various sanctions I think you'll get the picture.

Based in , no longer using mainstream with many ship registered by single ship 'divisions' of the firm, its ownership & operations are murky

If you wondered how Russia was surviving ; you can always sell oil!


#oiltankers #Russian #india #shipping #insurance #economicsanctions

Last updated 2 years ago

Renee · @Renee_Verberne
14 followers · 74 posts · Server mstdn.social

🌏💫 GOOD NEWS! 💫 🌏

The United Nations has purchased a ship to remove oil from a tanker on the coast of Yemen.

The UN had warned of the risk of a spill for years, appealing for a ship donation or loan. The ship is to transfer 1.1 million barrels of oil from a moored tanker off Yemen's coast left in limbo by the war onshore.


#Yemen #Jemen #oilspill #oiltankers #oil #verenigdenaties #vn #un #unitednations

Last updated 2 years ago