We were first shadowbanned in 2015 or 2016 (by Fakebook).

For protesting the invasion of for the oil. If you know what time they started that you'll know the approx time.

We were capped with a certain number of followers, and they'd drop a follower whenever a new user (or bot) followed.

#syria #oilwar

Last updated 3 years ago

We think you might be onto something here. The whole thing has written all over it, but will hear what has to say.

During the in the , they cut for people, too. Not that we condone that sort of thing.

, much?

We hope to learn more on this.

#cuba #colourRevolution #usa #doublestandard #colorrevolution #RichardMedhurst #protests #TheInternet #regimechange #oilwar #bitcoinWar #proxywar #venezuela #elsalvador #china #russia

Last updated 3 years ago

How convenient as an excuse for the US to remain in Afghanistan. The US, as they've done before, likely were the entity who armed the group.

Get OUT!

#extremist #oilwar #lithiumWar #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT #GetOut

Last updated 4 years ago

RadioBlackout 105.25 - Rss Bot · @rbo
44 followers · 1444 posts · Server mastodon.cisti.org
Radio Blackout - Rss Bot · @radioblackout
421 followers · 1816 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im
Leonardo 🐸 (ChoppaCast 🚁) · @ancapepe
75 followers · 7530 posts · Server liberdon.com

RT @RT_com
Forget the oil prices, the whole US dollar bubble is deflating – Peter Schiff to RT



Last updated 5 years ago