We were first shadowbanned in 2015 or 2016 (by Fakebook).
For protesting the invasion of #Syria for the oil. If you know what time they started that #oilWar you'll know the approx time.
We were capped with a certain number of followers, and they'd drop a follower whenever a new user (or bot) followed.
We think you might be onto something here. The whole #Cuba thing has #ColourRevolution written all over it, but will hear what #RichardMedhurst has to say.
During the #protests in the #USA, they cut #theInternet for people, too. Not that we condone that sort of thing.
#DoubleStandard, much?
We hope to learn more on this.
#regimeChange #colorRevolution #oilWar #bitcoinWar #proxyWar #Venezuela #ElSalvador #China #Russia
#cuba #colourRevolution #usa #doublestandard #colorrevolution #RichardMedhurst #protests #TheInternet #regimechange #oilwar #bitcoinWar #proxywar #venezuela #elsalvador #china #russia
How convenient as an excuse for the US to remain in Afghanistan. The US, as they've done before, likely were the entity who armed the #extremist group.
Get OUT!
#extremist #oilwar #lithiumWar #refugeeProduction #MICIMATT #GetOut
Honest question?
Could the west use #India as a bulwark against the #Chinese, kinda like we used #Germany as a #bulwark against the #Soviets?
India appear to be being thrown a veritable tonne of weapons and #USD right now.
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #oilWars #oilWar #venezuela #china #covid19 #militarism #militaryIndustrialComplex #corporatism #mowingTheLawn #war
#india #chinese #germany #bulwark #Soviets #usd #moneyPrinterGoBrr #oilwars #oilwar #venezuela #china #COVID19 #militarism #militaryindustrialcomplex #corporatism #mowingTheLawn #war
Un’altra guerra del petrolio https://radioblackout.org/2020/03/unaltra-guerra-del-petrolio/ #L'informazionediBlackout #binSalman #greggio #oilwar #putin #shale #Trump
#l #binsalman #greggio #oilwar #putin #shale #trump
Un’altra guerra del petrolio https://radioblackout.org/2020/03/unaltra-guerra-del-petrolio/ #L'informazionediBlackout #binSalman #greggio #oilwar #putin #shale #Trump
#l #binsalman #greggio #oilwar #putin #shale #trump
RT @RT_com
Forget the oil prices, the whole US dollar bubble is deflating – Peter Schiff to RT