AB · @lash
90 followers · 444 posts · Server social.coop

"A political elite ever more divorced from the concerns of the majority opts for repression where it cannot persuade."


#war #oilwars #iraq #us

Last updated 2 years ago

Thanks for tagging us, he's not at the point where we can share, sadly. If we remember, , his collegue in the has come around on environment and stopping .

Shame he's not quite there.

We don't reduce and consumption by . We do it by ending , pulling out of , ending to , and importantly…

Ending and .

We'll post a report on latter soon.

#paulinehanson #OneNationParty #populationGrowth #airTravel #meat #DigitalID #oilwars #syria #subsidies #airlines #humantrafficking #workerExploitation

Last updated 3 years ago


They would rather pay their kids and others to innocent people in far away lands, destroying entire countries to pillage and to create that will work for a pittance. Even if it scars generations. The people that pour in may be terrible at the job.

All this is preferred over stares from those who know.

The important thing is that people remain desperate, and can be influenced.

#bomb #refugees #neoliberalism #weapons #brexit #immigration #oilwars #linguisticProgramming #confidenceTricks

Last updated 4 years ago

If wants to curb , then stop funding the rightwing units (next stop ) and end and the infinity (again, God save Venezuela). Maybe we as individuals can stop giving money to bloody to all over our everyday.

#australia #rightWingExtremism #propaganda #venezuela #militarism #oilwars #rupertmurdoch #shitpost #petrolStations #memewarfare #ai #cloudflare #moneyPrinterGoBrr #tabloidz #dogwhistle #forcedNews

Last updated 4 years ago

We already explained, whyHashtag.

Here is 's , laughing about lying to . She had a bashlash.


CORRECTION: "WhyBitcoin has a lot of sh*t to mop up."

Hopefully clarifications like this help to unpack what we mean by .

Have you seen by any chance?

In terms of media lies and deception, add what they did to to that list. <3


#WashtingtonPost #LizSly #USMilitary #coup #richMansTrick #julianassange #oilwars #syria #trump

Last updated 4 years ago

shown to be a pro- outfit for :

Just more evidence that the /#legacyNet is in its last days.

Given the extreme by over past months it wouldn't surprise us if some of the "" is for to for .

was a sham and so the US will do anything possible to get unfettered access to real .

#wikipedia #regimechange #propagandists #clearnet #moneyPrinting #corporatists #CovidRelief #manipulating #narratives #engineerConsent #oilwars #fracking #energyReserves #oil #thegrayzone

Last updated 5 years ago

and .

For eight years suffered this kind of while the world largely went about its day, largely .

So is there some underpinning the fact that two countries being hit hard were the ones who directly undertook the and subsequent violence?

#stayhome #StayInYourRoom #julianassange #torture #ignorant #karma #warcrimes #uk #usa #FreeJulianAssange #bankerCrimes #whitecollarcrime #wallstreet #cityoflondon #trump #borisjohnson #collateralmurder #oilwars #lithium #opium

Last updated 5 years ago

Is really at a point where ordinary people who choose to isolate themselves at their beachhouse are publicly shamed by and ?

Meanwhile the have put a $15 million pricetag on the President, 's head and *doubled* the around .

But continue to be by theatre and .

#australia #media #culturalElites #usa #Venezuelan #maduro #military #venezuela #distracted #identitypolitics #DontWriteToYourCongressPerson #DontWriteToYourMP #oilwars #militaryIndustrialMediaComplex #julianassange #warcrimes

Last updated 5 years ago