@StillIRise1963 You intentionally but obviously misunderstand @bob. I see you claim to be 60, but you post like a petulant child, so I will treat you accordingly. And then block you.
Look, I get that kids have big ideas and think that they, unlike us old geezers, can save the world. They refuse to consider that we went through that phase too. We know, where you clearly do not, what you're up against.
But you'd rather say #OKBoomer, do your #ageism thing, and act like we're just a bunch of lazy fucks.
Dat je een voetbalstadion uitloopt met een stel jonge gasten van de tegenpartij en dat ze de hele tijd u tegen je zeggen. #okboomer
It's not just me that finds those 'this is a digital detox venue, no phones allowed' signs indicative of pathetic, backwards and patronising boomer-ness, is it?
Like fine, your venue your rules, I won't go in, whatevs
Just surprised by pushback to an opinion like the above.
England to deny #Covid and #flu jabs to under-65s despite fears for #NHS this winter https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/aug/08/england-to-deny-covid-and-flu-jabs-to-under-65s-amid-fears-for-nhs-this-winter?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Yet: “Last winter was one of the most challenging on record for the NHS in England. It is expected to face a surge in demand in the coming months with officials anticipating a large number of people needing help for respiratory illnesses, including flu and Covid.”
#OKBoomer vibe. 😳
@GottaLaff #DerrickVanOrden is an extreme #OKboomer who berates teen-aged Senate pages serving their country when they were taking selfies in the U.S. Capitol. But he was OK with #MAGA cult members trashing the #Capitol during the #January6th #FailedCoupAttempt. 🤔
#PrimaryFromTheCenter to 💩 👉 🚽.
#derrickvanorden #okboomer #MAGA #capitol #January6th #failedcoupattempt #primaryfromthecenter
Ich vergebe 5 wütende #Petrolheads ⛽️⛽️⛽️⛽️⛽️ für diese Rezension. 😇
#mussmanwissen #aluhut #aluhüte #schwurbel #geschwurbel #schwurbler #verschwörungstheorien #verschwörungserzählungen #okboomer #carbrains #petrolhead #petrolfans #verkehrswende #verkehrswendejetzt
#petrolheads #mussmanwissen #aluhut #aluhute #schwurbel #geschwurbel #schwurbler #verschworungstheorien #verschworungserzahlungen #okboomer #carbrains #petrolhead #petrolfans #verkehrswende #verkehrswendejetzt
@logoninternet @ryanhoulihan
....says the logon loghead who has no idea what #OKBoomer still is about. You don't get out much, do you, spending all your time logged onto the internet just to whine like a baby.
@ryanhoulihan You mean all those topics that parents have tried to teach their kids but all they got back was #OKBoomer? That's not parental neglect--that's blockheaded ignorance on the part of Gen Z and Millennials. Get that right, how 'bout.
Another tune robbed from Boomers. Urge Overkill is where the name says it all, and they'd better not say #OKBoomer
Tiffany stole that one from Tommy James & the Shondells, so never believe a youngster when they say #OKBoomer because they dig Boomer tunes.
As is always the case, the Boomer original version is always better than the stolen version.
These people are the reason #OkBoomer was coined. 🤷♀️
What wasted lives.
Good work, Michigan. Do justice. #USA
My dad had a peak boomer moment at Sunday dinner.
“I’m happy they overturned the student loans thing. Back in the 60s my parents worked and put three kids through college. These kids are spending $100k to get an education degree. Go to a community college first.”
Pointing out the inaccuracies didn’t work. Dad… #OkBoomer