The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another.
-- Richard Feynman
#quotes #richardfeynman #bias #science #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
We are a species poised between an awareness of our ultimate insignificance and an ability to reach far beyond our mundane lives, into the void, to solve the most fundamental mysteries of the cosmos.
-- Katie Mack (The End of Everything)
#quotes #katiemack #life #nature #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Do not let the bread of the hungry mildew in your larder! Do not let moths eat the poor man's cloak. Do not store the shoes of the barefoot. Do not hoard the money of the needy. Things you possess in too great abundance belong to the poor and not to you. You are the thief who steals from God if you are able to help your neighbor and refuse to do it.
-- Christine de Pizan (1364-1430 CE)
#quotes #christinedepizan #charity #wealth #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.
-- Anais Nin
#quotes #anaisnin #growth #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Chaos reigns within. / Reflect, repent, and reboot. / Order shall return.
-- Anonymous (Haiku Error Message)
#quotes #anonymous #computers #humor #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Symmetry is immunity to change.
-- Mario Livio (Studio360)
#quotes #mariolivio #symmetry #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Isn't it obvious that Chicken Little represents the sane vision, and that Homo sapiens' motto, "Let's go shopping." is the cry of the true lunatic?
-- Twelve Monkeys
#quotes #twelvemonkeys #humans #insanity #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
There is more to life than increasing its speed.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
#quotes #mahatmagandhi #life #speed #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
-- Albert Einstein
#quotes #alberteinstein #success #value #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
The federal government is best thought of as a giant insurance company with an army.
-- Paul Krugman
#quotes #paulkrugman #government #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.
-- Richard Feynman
#quotes #richardfeynman #experts #ignorance #science #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
‘Why #mine so close?’: the fight to protect the pristine #Okefenokee swamp
Yet another mining proposal (for titanium oxide used in toothpaste & paints) threatens a vital natural resource, the Okefenokee swamp in Georgia, #US.
The swamp is headwaters for two rivers. Mining removes water that would have supported the swamp, making it far more prone to drought, wildfires & resulting ecological degradation & species death.
7000 years of wonder gone for tooth whitener.
#Okefenokee #Georgia #Environment #Ecology #Mining #Wetlands #TwinPinesMining
#twinpinesmining #wetlands #mining #ecology #Environment #Georgia #okefenokee #US
"Acclaimed author, Janisse Ray, on one of the great wonders of this world - The #Okefenokee #Swamp. In this story we travel deep into the swamp, we meet the people working to fight off a mining company whose plan will have devastating effects. Janisse is a devoted environmentalist and a mesmerizing storyteller."
#audio story
Ep 006 - Janisse Ray : Okefenokee, Heavy & Precious
from BATCH, A Bitter Southerner PodcastLength: 59:49
"When canoeing in the Okefenokee Swamp...and I have not seen official signage for is best to yield to gators."
Eddie "Eightfingers" Dupree, former swamp guide
#traveltip #travel #nature #alligators #swamp #okefenokee #humor
Idyllic weekend, happy gator, in the #okefenokee swamp. The swamp is under dire threat by a proposal to strip mine along it. #savetheswamp