Splurged tonight with some scallops along with green beans, onions, garlic & orange pepper. Wasn't sure which spice direction to go but was very hungry which made me focused, so am not surprised I loved the result. Basic salt, pepper & butter for the scallops; Indian spices with coconut milk & a drop of tomato paste to simmer the veggies. Success!
#cooking #scallops #food #vegetarian #OkMostlyVegetarian #DangILoveScallops #DoScallopsHaveFeelings #Probably #IMeanWhyWouldntThey #ShitImAHypocrite
#cooking #scallops #food #vegetarian #okmostlyvegetarian #dangilovescallops #doscallopshavefeelings #probably #imeanwhywouldntthey #shitimahypocrite